A Treatise on the Law of Collisions at Sea

A Treatise on the Law of Collisions at Sea With an Appendix Containing Extracts from the Merchant Shipping Acts, the International Regulations (of 1863 and 1880) for Preventing Collisions at Sea, and Local Rules for the Same Purpose in Force in the Thames, the Mersey, and Elsewhere

Marsden, Reginald G. A Treatise on the Law of Collisions at Sea, With an Appendix, Containing Extracts from the Merchant Shipping Acts, The International Regulations (of 1863 and 1880) for Preventing Collisions at Sea, and Local Rules for the Same Purpose in Force in the Thames, the Mersey, and Elsewhere. London: Stevens and Sons, 1880. xxxii, 304 pp. Reprint available September 2004 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. ISBN 1-58477-412-6. Cloth. $95. * Reprint of the first edition. This venerable work went through ten editions, the last appearing in 1953. It offers a summary of the law and cases relating to collisions between ships. A review of the seventh edition notes that it holds a "permanent place...not only as a legal text-book on a special subject, but as a work which can be usefully referred to by laymen who are interested in shipping matters.": E.S.R., Law Quarterly Review 39:378-379.
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