Information Theoretic Security Third International Conference, ICITS 2008, Calgary, Canada, August 10-13, 2008, Proceedings
ICITS 2008,the Third InternationalConference on Information Theoretic Se- rity, was held in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, during August 10–13, 2008, at the Universityof Calgary.This seriesof conferences wasstarted with the 2005IEEE InformationTheoryWorkshoponTheoryandPracticein Information-Theoretic Security (ITW 2005,Japan), held on Awaji Island, Japan, October 16–19,2005. The conference series aims at bringing focus to security research when there is no unproven computational assumption on the adversary. This is the fra- work proposed by Claude Shannon in his seminal paper formalizing modern unclassi?ed research on cryptography. Over the last few decades, Shannon's approach to formalizing security has been used in various other areas including authentication, secure communication, key exchange, multiparty computation and information hiding to name a few. Coding theory has also proven to be a powerful tool in the construction of security systems with information theoretic security. Therewere43submitted papers ofwhich14wereaccepted.Eachcontributed paper was reviewed by three members of the Program Committee. In the case of co-authorship by a Program Committee member the paper was reviewed by ?ve members of the committee (no committee member reviewed their own s- mission). In addition to the accepted papers, the conference also included nine invited speakers, whose contributions were not refereed. These proceedings c- tain the acceptedpapers with anyrevisionsrequiredbythe ProgramCommittee as well as the contributions by invited speakers.