Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation

Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation

The basis for this book was a publication by Elsbeth Ebertin entitled Sternenwandel und Weltgeschehen. It contained cases of her own investigations and records. Her son, Reinhold Ebertin, and Georg Hoffman, Elsbeth's coworker, edited the text and added many new sources of information. Like Ptolemy's astronomical handbook, Almagest, this is the basis for much of the current information on fixed stars. Modern astrologers recognized that fixed stars carry an influence into the horoscope if conjunction a natal planet by longitude and even more so if by latitude. A prominent star on the Ascendant or Midheaven is said to be an indication of recognition achieved in the lifetime. The character of the star indicates the kind of influence the aspect will have. This book contains 73 major stars and describes their essential nature.
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