
I was so excited to read this book. I love a sports romance but I’ve never read a swimmer romance, so I couldn’t wait to read my first one. This one didn’t disappoint. I really enjoyed it! It’s an enemies to lovers and second chance romance. Alex and Dane first meet when they are 16 and then they reunite 10 years later. Their relationship is very up and down throughout the book and frustrating at times, but I feel like their feelings for each other are very clear. Even when they were trying to hide them. My heart broke for Dane. The way he acted did frustrate me at times but I could understand why he acted that way. He really struggled to be his true self, mainly because of his parents, but it was so nice to see him stand up for himself and start to live his life how he has always wanted to! At the end of the book they’re about to go to the Olympics to compete but the book ends. I was so disappointed but after reading the synopsis for the next book in this duoligy, I’m pretty sure we will get to see the final races in that one. The next book is about Bas and Jacob, which is a pair that the author teased us with in this book. I can’t wait to read about them🥰