

Patrick Ness2017
RELEASE er den mest personlige roman, Patrick Ness har skrevet. Det er en rørende historie om 17-årige Adam, som prøver at acceptere sig selv som homoseksuel i en ekstremt religiøs familie. Adams far, den lokale præst, vil ikke have en søn, som er bøsse. Adams tidligere kæreste, Enzo, siger, at det de havde sammen ikke var rigtig kærlighed. Adams bedste ven, Angela, som er en af de få, der elsker og accepterer ham, er ved at flytte til Holland. På ét døgn bliver Adam konfronteret med alle de ting, som gør allermest ondt, men inden solen står op, sker der noget, som giver ham styrken til at give slip på smerten og se på sig selv på en ny måde. Imens Adam prøver at finde sin identitet, prøver et magtfuldt væsen fra underverdenen at hjælpe en forvirret og vildfaren sjæl til at give slip. RELEASE er en smuk og velskrevet sammenfletning af disse parallelle historier, der på hver deres måde omhandler en frigørelse / det at give slip.
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Photo of Rachel Evans
Rachel Evans@rjev1906
4 stars
Nov 3, 2022

(4/5) 1 hour 30 minutes - Patrick Ness is one of my all-time favourite authors and this book was certainly brilliantly written. I love the characters and the lives they lead feel so realistic and immersive, and combined with the more abstract perspective of the ghost, made for an emotional and reflective story. I would have liked it better if the two perspectives were more intertwined, I think that would have made for a more interesting conclusion, but the ending as it was was written intentionally to reflect the title very well.

Photo of Lincy
2 stars
Feb 16, 2022


Photo of Eleanor Luhar
Eleanor Luhar@bookmarked642
3 stars
Feb 2, 2022

I've been meaning to read more of Ness's novels, and this new release (hah!) looked really interesting. It definitely lived up to that reputation. It's kind of split in two, alternating between Adam's story and the story of the Queen and the the faun - spirits, one of which is lost and accidentally bound to the spirit of a young girl who has been murdered, jeopardising the safety of the entire world. I don't actually know how or why these two stories are connected. There seems to be a link here and there, and they even meet at one point, but I don't actually see why these two sets of characters are of any real importance to each other. Each story was very interesting, but I just didn't feel like they were relevant to each other. The story following Adam was really good, and the banter between Adam and Angela especially was fantastic. He is a gay boy living in an incredibly religious family - his father is a preacher at the nearby church. He's getting over a relationship, while simultaneously dating another boy who seems to love him very much. But Adam doesn't feel like he deserves the love, and when his father suggests he deserved the sexual harassment from his boss he completely loses it. This interaction was really interesting, and I think Ness did a pretty good job of creating a dramatic and accurate scene. A religious father faced with news such as this would likely have reacted in a similar way to Big Brian Thorn. Although I did enjoy this and Ness's writing is superb, I don't quite understand this book. I saw a few links and enjoyed Adam's story, but really didn't understand the Queen's significance. 3 stars.

Photo of Alice Loretto
Alice Loretto@alore
5 stars
Jan 29, 2024
Photo of Clementine Berthelsen
Clementine Berthelsen@clementine
4 stars
Aug 10, 2022
Photo of bianca
4.5 stars
Aug 2, 2022
Photo of Megan Parrott
Megan Parrott@meganparrott
3 stars
Jul 5, 2024
Photo of Martha F.
Martha F.@marthaq
5 stars
Mar 6, 2024
Photo of Kris Lantheaume
Kris Lantheaume@klantheaume
3 stars
Jun 22, 2023
Photo of Perseus Allen
Perseus Allen@purechaos
4 stars
Dec 27, 2022
Photo of p.
4 stars
Jun 19, 2022
Photo of Tegan Anderson
Tegan Anderson@tande
4 stars
Jan 8, 2022
Photo of Šárka Vomelová
Šárka Vomelová@vsarv
5 stars
Dec 5, 2021
Photo of Lena
5 stars
Nov 16, 2021
Photo of Su Ah Lee
Su Ah Lee@suah98
5 stars
Oct 20, 2021


Photo of Clementine Berthelsen
Clementine Berthelsen@clementine

And who cared if it was the love of a fifteen- and then sixteen-year-old. Why did that make it any less? They were older than those two idiots in Romeo and Juliet. Why did everyone no longer a teenager automatically dismiss any feeling you had then? Who cared if he'd grow out of it? That didn't make it any less true in those painful and euphoric days when it was happening. The truth was always now, even if you were young.

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'The truth was always now'