'I will seek Vengeance upon those who betrayed my family. I am Ezio Auditore da Firenze. I am an Assassin...... ' Betrayed by the ruling families of Italy, a young man embarks upon an epic quest for vengeance. To eradicate corruption and restore his family's honour, he will learn the art of the assassins. Along the way, Ezio will call upon the wisdom of such great minds as Leonardo Da Vinci and Niccolo Machiavelli - knowing that survival is bound to the skills by which he must live. To his allies, he will become a force for change - fighting for freedom and justice. To his enemies, he will become a threat dedicated to the destruction of the tyrants abusing the people of Italy. So begins an epic story of power, revenge and conspiracy. TRUTH WILL BE WRITTEN IN BLOOD

Cláudia Mateus@abovethemoonlight
Entertaining, but in some instances very different from the game - and not for the better.

Senza infamia e senza lode, anche se non capisco perché un non fan di Assassin's Creed dovrebbe voler leggere questa roba. Senza conoscere i giochi il libro non ha il minimo senso, sembrano pezzi del gioco a cui hanno aggiunto i dialoghi.


nothing is true, everything is permitted


Abdul Rehman Ismail@syfyabdu

Abdul Rehman Ismail@syfyabdu

Abdul Rehman Ismail@syfyabdu

Ícaro Morbeck@icaromorbeck

Joel Xavier@jo_x_el

Michael Cowell@chaosweeper

Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai

Vikram Ithal@vikramithal

Desislava Yanakieva@cloudwrites

Philippe Giordano@phgrdn


Aimée Nistor @annemarie2000




Ilse van der Hout@kaede

Ilse van der Hout@kaede

Ilse van der Hout@kaede

Ilse van der Hout@kaede