Wild Flight

Wild Flight

Renee Roszel2014
Ronda can’t believe the nerve of this pretty boy cockpit jockey who thinks he can teach her how to do her job. After all, she was a Captain in the United States Air Force, a graduate of the Air Force Academy (just like Major Chase Corbett), and her management degree in communications make her at least as qualified as him! But this washout pilot has been reprimanded with a transfer to a desk job—her desk job! And now, to make her humiliation worse, she is HIS assistant. But the liquid lightning in his blue eyes captures her senses. And somehow she can’t keep her abhorrence for this man from turning to desire. Though she has learned time and again that these fast-living, high-flying pilots always end up disappearing into the wild blue yonder, she can’t seem to help herself. Her body betrays her whenever she’s near him, and so she falls willingly into his arms and his bed. When Chase steps back into the cockpit of a jet, will he be gone for good…and will Ronda be forgotten, the smoldering wreckage of her own folly, on the bleak, desert badlands of his past? PRAISE FOR RENEE ROSZEL: "She is delightful, eloquent and humorous all in one." —Rendezvous Magazine "Talented...realistically excellent characterization" —Romantic Times
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