Resonate Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences
By leveraging techniques normally reserved for cinema and literature, "Resonate" reveals how to transform any presentation into an engaging journey. You will discover how to understand your audience, create persuasive content, and elicit a groundswell response. With "Resonate," you'll be able to: Leverage the hidden story structures inherent in great communication Connect with your audience empathetically Create captivating content Craft ideas that get repeated Inspire enthusiasm and support for your vision "Finally! Someone has incorporated the power of story into presentations!" --Damon Lindelof, Co-creator of "LOST" "To write a book about effective and inspiring communication is a challenge because it has to demonstrate what it advocates. Nancy Duarte has certainly done that. Compelling. Convincing. Utterly practical. This is a gem!" --Patrick Lencioni, President, The Table Group Author, "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team" "Few things excite me more than a great communicator--something I've wanted to be ever since I ran for president of the seventh grade. While I think I've come a long way on that journey, I never fully understood what it takes to be a world-class communicator until I read Nancy Duarte's "Resonate." Read this book, absorb this book, practice what it preaches, and you'll be on your way to being a great communicator. Thanks, Nancy." --Ken Blanchard, Co-author of "The One Minute Manager," Recipient of Golden Gavel Award

Mark Phillips@mp

Chris Andersson@candersson

Leo Vogel@leovogel

Andrea Nagar@andreanagar

Róbert Istók@robertistok

Julien Sobczak@julien-sobczak

Benjamin Snipes@bengsnipes

Pavan Kumar@pavanp

Felix Jamestin@felixjamestin

Ryan B Harvey@codeanddata

Andrew Marti@amarti

Josue Gonzalez@josue

Sabrina Zielinski@sabrinazielinski


Alemsah Ozturk @alemsah

Allison Hornery@allisonhornery

Rabia Sitabi@rpish