Restless Slumber

All I can say is that the writings is very compelling, I adore this series and how easy you get sucked into Fortuna’s life and pain. This broke my heart but I can’t wait for to read the next one

The ending of this book shook me to my core.
Speaking of, the only reason I took away a star is because there was honestly way too much 'core clenching' 'core tightening' 'core flooding' etc etc. I love a romance as much as the next person, I just wish the language was a little more imaginative.
One thing I find interesting about the series so far is that I can tell it was written by someone who goes on Pinterest for writing ideas, because there are lots of scenarios and lines of dialogue that I've had saved on my writing inspo boards for more than 10 years. It's not a complaint, I just love seeing things that inspire me popping up on popular literature I'm reading.

thanks, i absolutely hate it.

4.5/5 I absolutely loved this book!! I am so so fortunate that the author was kind enough to send me a cooy of this book. I always get scared reading sequels because I worry they won’t live up to my expectations from the first, but let me tell you, this definitely did!! So firstly, I really loved where the plot took us in this book. I had absolutely no idea where the story was going to go after the first book but I’m so happy with where we were taken in this sequel. Now secondly, I really enjoyed all the characters we saw in this book, both new and old, and how each character storyline developed (Finn is definitely a new favourite!). I also LOVED where Collith and Fortuna’s relationship went in this book. We were blessed with both sweet, cute, and streamy moments which I really appreciated as a lover of romance. I think we really got to see more of who Collith is in this book as well, and if I didn’t already adore him enough before, I sure do now! Now the ending to this was DEFINITELY a cliffhanger. To say I was shocked is an understatement. While I read those last few chapters I was shocked, in awe, and totally hooked. It definitely has made me so excited for the next book to be released. I am so intrigued to see how Fortuna’s character changes after this!! Overall, I definitely loved this book! I absolutely need to the book RIGHT NOW so waiting for it’s release is going to be sooo hard!!

This book continues where the first one left off. And boy this book did not disappoint. In this book you are introduced to a handful of new creatures and Fortuna gets a few more enemies. The slow burn romance between Fortuna and Colliath continues and makes you want to throw the book from time to time. To me this book was a little bit better. It throws a few twist and turns that you are not ready for and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I am looking forward to see where the story takes us next.

“𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐝𝐨 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐮𝐩” I don’t usually do long reviews. I’ve tried to shorten it to the main points, but I didn’t want to leave anything out. So buckle up… it’s gonna be a long one! I thought my heart was destroyed after ACOWAR… then I read Restless Slumber. I was in tears for the last few chapter… CHAPTERS! I couldn’t stop crying. There are only three books that have ever made me cry… now there are four. If you’re a SJM fan you should read this series! I fell in love with all of the main characters. I loved how the supporting characters got to come out a little more in this book, along with the main characters. The werewolf, I don’t wanna give anything away but he’s a badass & makes Fortuna look even more bad ass than she already is. Did I mention there are witches, werewolves, vampires, & freaking zombies?! I fell so in love with Collith & Laurie. Laurie isn’t someone I wanted to love at first but now I just can help it! I think I found my new obsession. 😍🤓

** spoiler alert ** once again k.j. sutton has outdone herself with this book. the dreaded second book of every series stereotype is an exception to restless slumber. AGAIN the character development is absolutely amazing as i grow ever closer to these complicated characters. the end made my heart drop and a world without collith would be unbearable, so instinct told me that it wasn’t the last i would hear of him (instinct proved to be right). i know i am just repeating myself at this point but: the mix between old fae and the modern world is impeccable and addicting. the unfortunate events at the end make me wonder what the toll will be on fortuna’s character and i wish that the weakness i am about to read about (in fortuna and collith) wouldn’t come: but it is inevitable. so onto the third!!

This installment was really good and that ending…wow. There were still some inconsistencies that I just couldn’t ignore, but still worth the read if you like dark fantasy!

So I’m gonna do my best to have a nice calm review for as long as I can. This book was bit slower paced than the first one but I think it was needed to see all the different relationships grow on their own pace. I loved Fortuna so much especially towards the end. Now with that being said HOW IN THE WORLD WAS THAT ENDING LEGAL?? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? I NEED BOOK THREE BECAUSE MY HEART IS NOT OKAY AND I NEED THESE CHARACTERS TO BE OKAY 😭😭 4.5 stars 🌟

I wasn't sure about this one in the beginning, but once it picked up (about 40% in) there was no stopping. Great continuation to the series, and I'm definitely reading the next one (just need to prepare myself mentally as this book wrecked me in the most pleasant way). If an angsty faerie romance is your thing, this series should definitely be on your radar.

Kelsey Sutton is my new favourite author. I love Fortuna and the rest of her gang. I have been trying to think of a character I don’t care for in this series, there’s character I don’t like of course, but they are the ones that are bad and we aren’t supposed to like but there aren’t any character that I have no interest in and don’t want to know more about. This book ripped my heart out, made think ‘yes girl, go get them!’ And then ripped my heart out again! Simultaneously desperate for the next book and terrified of what might happen next

I am so invested in this series and these characters.

All I can say is that the writings is very compelling, I adore this series and how easy you get sucked into Fortuna’s life and pain. This broke my heart but I can’t wait for to read the next one

oh wow! im absolutely loving this the slow burn thooooo

This book was such a wild ride and everything a sequel should be! AND THE ANGST. Team Collith y’all, Team Collith 😂😍 Really though, I enjoyed this so much. No longer is Fortuna relegated to the Unseelie Court and boy do we get to see her really come into her own as a character. There is so much that happens in this book, but I am a sucker for steamy slow burn romance and this one delivered. We see a much different side of the Unseelie King in this one and let’s just say I was here for it. I loved his sarcasm and patience and passion. It was really great to see his and Fortuna’s relationship grow. Also, I just want to hug Finn! And that revelation about Damon! 😯 Also Laurie is just as much of a pest as always but you’ll love him for it. I have so many questions about these three going forward and I definitely have some theories about a particular Seelie King. 😉 I’m dying to see how Fortuna, Collith and the rest of the characters react to and handle everything that happens at the end because I am just absolutely reeling. I have so many thoughts and feelings. This one does deserve a trigger warning for depictions of slavery, physical and psychological abuse, and sexual assault, among other things. But they are not glorified nor romanticized. Needless to say, bravo to KJ Sutton on a powerful sequel to Fortuna Sworn, I am so looking forward to the next book!


2.75 ⭐