Revenge of the Wannabes
Just weeks before Christmas and the girls are busy at the Body Alive Dance Studio. As Alicia and her exhausted dance friends change out of their Nuala gear (not just for yoga anymore), they discuss their plans for the weekend. Alicia is hands down the most popular girl in the class, not only because she's the best dancer, but because Massie isn't there. Massie hates to dance, so for three hours a week on Tuesday and Thursday, Alicia is the alpha female. And she absolutely loves it. Is the Clique about to be turned upside down?
Michelle Boyea@caffeinatedbibliophile
Annvie N@annvie
Cassie Casaburi@swiftliketaylor
Raven Walker@ravenalexandria
Talia Dominguez @taliac36
Alyssa Huffman@alyhuffman27
Alyssa horowitz @anhorow
Miranda Madden@shrands
Michele Papa@mleanne14
Rebekah Cresap@bekcresap
Nicole Lambert@nerdcoleture
lauren carla@laurenslibros
Dakota Balsor@dakotab
Alanie Rhodes@ajreads
angeline yutakis @angelinereads
Tijana Kovac@silly_soprano
Kenna Armstrong@mskennajean
Emily Wu@bk_em
Alanna Hammond@queenie727