The Legend of Huma Heroes
In the realms of Dragonlance, the tale of one knight is legendary. The dark goddess Takhisis has unleashed evil on the world of Krynn, and only the Knights of Solamnia stand in her way. From amongst their ranks comes Huma, a man destined to be the greatest hero of this world. This is his story... at last! Learn of Huma's mysterious origins and his Oath to the Measure, then witness Huma and the Minotaur, Kaz, fight to eradicate treachery among the fabled Knights of Solamnia and the threat posed by Queen of Darkness. Even with the power of the legendary Silver Dragon at their side, Huma and Kaz face overwhelming odds.
Søren Nielsen@sorennielsen
Michael Cowell@chaosweeper
Rachel Kanyid@mccallmekanyid
Todd Luallen@tluallen
Tomás Soler@tjsoler