The Shrinking Man

The Shrinking Man

While on a boating holiday, Scott Carey is exposed to a cloud of radioactive spray. A few weeks later, following a series of medical examinations, he can no longer deny the extraordinary truth. Not only is he losing weight, he is also shorter than he was. Scott Carey has begun to shrink. Richard Matheson's novel follows through its premise with remorseless logic, with Carey first attempting to continue some kind of normal life and later having left human contact behind, having to survive in a world where insects and spiders are giant adversaries. And even that is only a stage on his journey into the unknown.
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Photo of Justin Jerome Price
Justin Jerome Price@so64
4 stars
Feb 26, 2023
Photo of Joseph Aleo
Joseph Aleo@josephaleo
5 stars
Sep 23, 2021

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