Carmi '55

Carmi '55

For the first time since his high school graduation, Dave Wilson returns to Carmi, a small town in Illinois, to attend his 35th year class reunion. Instead of a nostalgic weekend visit with classmates, he becomes the police's only suspect in a high profile murder and his stay is extended. .."...Why is this happening to me? Was I in the wrong place at the wrong time? Was the timing of my coming to Carmi and the murder just a coincidence? On the other hand, maybe the person who wanted him dead knew about our confrontational history and when he or she found out I would be in town for the reunion, a plan came together. I would be the perfect fall guy....." .."...Why didn't I think this thing through before I agreed to meet them here; at night. Damn. What if Frank and Stewart are somehow mixed up in the murder and I'm the only one who can link them to the crime? Damn. What if the two people standing in the shadows are not even Frank and Stewart? What if they are the two mob goons and they have been tipped off to where I'll be? Damn....." .."...I folded my hands behind my head and stared at the ceiling. I could not sleep; the memory continued to flood my mind. I had not seen or talked to her in 35 years yet the last words she said to me then are what's keeping me awake now: I will probably always love you....."
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