The ABC's of Man on Purpose

The ABC's of Man on Purpose 26 Steps to Become the Man You Are Intended to Be

Richard Rice2015
From the loss of a couple corporate management positions to giving up a business that was 5 years in the making and had the potential of making him hundreds of thousands of dollars, Richard had to buckle down and press in to God to see what God was doing in his life and where God was taking him. Submitting to God in this way required obedience, sacrifice, patience, and a desire to be only what God wanted him to be, not what he wanted to be or what others thought he should be. The ABC's of MAN ON PURPOSE - 26 steps to become the man you are intended to be, not only gives men 26 vital steps one can take to find out what their God given purpose is; it also tells a story of how Richard was able to overcome his past life of violence, his issues, and addictions to receive his God given purpose to become a MAN ON PURPOSE.
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