Complete Works of Richard Sibbes

Complete Works of Richard Sibbes (7 Volume Set)

Richard Sibbes’s complete 7-volume works contain the following books: Volume 1 The Description of Christ The Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax The Sword of the Wicked The Soul’s Conflict With Itself, and Victory Over Itself By Faith The Saint’s Safety in Evil Times The Saint’s Safety in Evil Times: Manifested by St Paul, From His Experience of God’s Goodness in Greatest Distresses Christ is Best (or, St. Paul’s Strait) Christ’s Sufferings for Man’s Sin The Church’s Visitation Volume 2 Bowels Opened The Spouse, Her Earnest Desire After Christ A Breathing After God The Returning Backslider The Marriage Feast Between Christ and His Church Volume 3 A Commentary on the First Chapter of the Second Epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians Volume 4 A Christian’s Portion (or, The Christian’s Charter) The Spiritual Man’s Aim The Right Receiving Judgement’s Reason Yea and Amen (or, Precious Promises Laid Open Out of 2 Cor. I. 10-23) A Glance of Heaven (or, A Precious Taste of a Glorious Feast) The Excellency of the Gospel Above the Law Exposition of 2 Corinthians Chapter IV The Church’s Riches Volume 5 The Christian Work Of the Providence of God An Exposition of the Third Chapter of the Epistle of St Paul to the Philippians The Redemption of Bodies The Art of Contentment The Power of Christ’s Resurrection The Hidden Life The Spiritual Jubilee The Privileges of the Faithful The Christian’s End Christ’s Exaltation Purchased by Humiliation The Life of Faith Salvation Applied A Fountain Sealed The Fountain Opened; Or, the Mystery of Godliness Revealed Volume 6 The Faithful Covenanter Josiah’s Reformation The Spiritual Favourite at the Throne of Grace The Successful Seeker A Rescue From Death, With a Return of Praise The Saint’s Comforts: An Exposition Upon Psalm CXXX The Church’s Complaint and Confidence God’s Inquisition The Rich Poverty; or, the Poor Man’s Riches Spiritual Mourning Violence Victorious Angels’ Acclamations The Fruitful Labour for Eternal Food The Matchless Love and Inbeing A Heavenly Conference King David’s Epitaph Lydia’s Conversion The Bridegroom’s Promises, and the Bride’s Prayer Volume 7 Balaam’s Wish The Unprosperous Builder The Vanity of the Creature Discouragement’s Recovery The Saint’s Happiness David’s Conclusion; or the Saint’s Resolution The Church’s Blackness Miracle of Miracles The Touchstone of Regeneration The Discreet Ploughman The Matchless Mercy The Sun of Righteousness Divine Meditations and Holy Contemplations The Knot of Prayer Loosed The Rich Pearl Sin’s Antidote The Success of the Gospel Mary’s Choice The Christian’s Watch The Coming of Christ The General Resurrection Sibbes’s Last Two Sermons; From Christ’s Last Sermon The Saint’s Privilege The Witness of Salvation Saint Paul’s Challenge The Dead Man The Danger of Backsliding Faith Triumphant The Ruin of Mystical Jericho The Demand of a Good Conscience A Glimpse of Glory The Pattern of Purity The Beast’s Dominion Over Earthly Kings The Church’s Echo
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