Business Process Outsourcing

Business Process Outsourcing The Competitive Advantage

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is becoming the new revolutionas company's of all sizes are seeking to take advantage of thissource of competitive advantage. This book provides a step-by-step approach to understanding theapplication of Business Process Outsourcing, assessing the BPOopportunity in the company, and then managing the transition toBPO. It serves as a guide to implementing BPO and as a referencesource to solving the variety of issues that may arise during a BPOinitiative. Each chapter features a case study, insight from apractitioner, focus on how BPO affects people, and ethicalconsiderations. * Discusses both the how and why of business process outsourcingwith a straightforward "how to" approach. * Provides managers with the tools to analyse the BPO opportunitiesfor their own firms, as well as techniques and strategies formanaging a BPO initiative. * Empowers businesses of all sizes to take advantage of thisall-encompassing business revolution.
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