The House Across the Lake
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The House Across the Lake A Novel

Riley Sager2022
The New York Times bestselling author of Final Girls and Survive the Night (“a master of the twist and the turn”*) is back with his most unexpected thriller yet. *Rolling Stone Be careful what you watch for . . . Casey Fletcher, a recently widowed actress trying to escape a streak of bad press, has retreated to the peace and quiet of her family’s lake house in Vermont. Armed with a pair of binoculars and several bottles of bourbon, she passes the time watching Tom and Katherine Royce, the glamorous couple living in the house across the lake. They make for good viewing—a tech innovator, Tom is powerful; and a former model, Katherine is gorgeous. One day on the lake, Casey saves Katherine from drowning, and the two strike up a budding friendship. But the more they get to know each other—and the longer Casey watches—it becomes clear that Katherine and Tom’s marriage isn’t as perfect as it appears. When Katherine suddenly vanishes, Casey immediately suspects Tom of foul play. What she doesn’t realize is that there’s more to the story than meets the eye—and that shocking secrets can lurk beneath the most placid of surfaces. Packed with sharp characters, psychological suspense, and gasp-worthy plot twists, Riley Sager’s The House Across the Lake is the ultimate escapist read . . . no lake house required.
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Photo of Aims
3.5 stars
Jan 30, 2025

Hovering between a 3.5 and a 4 on this one. It had me absolutely hooked until it had the oddest twist ever. IYKYK! Still a great read, but can’t help feeling a little disappointed with the way it went in the end. I’d still recommend though.

Photo of Delayna Morrow
Delayna Morrow@delayna_julia
4 stars
Jan 2, 2025

That ending was crazy

Photo of Libby W
Libby W@libbyswoodson
1.5 stars
Sep 28, 2024

started decent but then got supernatural and just stupid

Photo of Tailor Floyd
Tailor Floyd@anslytailor
2.5 stars
Sep 13, 2024

Not my favorite by him

Photo of amelia <3
amelia <3@yourlocalbookaddict
3 stars
Sep 2, 2024


Photo of Rebecca Hurd
Rebecca Hurd@becca2bz
5 stars
Jul 16, 2024

Another good read out of Riley Sager. A very unreliable narrator that I really didn’t like but still rooted for her!! She had the right idea but went about it in the worst way but in the end it was kind of necessary!! Definitely a double twist at the end. Sager will forever be an automatic buy for me, this wasn’t my favorite but still pretty good.

Photo of Maya
Maya @restupkin
2 stars
Jul 11, 2024

2.5 stars Well this was… disorienting. If it weren’t for the 100+ pages of Casey drinking herself numb and doing nothing but spy on her neighbours I think this would have some good potential. But like I said this book spent too much time with unnecessary things (constant drinking, more drinking, come up with theories but never actually investigating them, more drinking). I understand why those things were included but it took too much space in such a short book. I wish we would have gotten more of the mystery aspect of the book. More engagement. The plot twist was predictable 🤷 it was actually one of my first theories. Which is fine but I would’ve love more investigative work. Also everything felt like it was lacking, nothing felt mysterious or even scary. The final 50 pages were the best part of the book. I actually enjoyed everything coming together and being put to rest. The characters were fine. Nothing special. Enjoyable but not noteworthy.

Photo of Ryan Mateyk
Ryan Mateyk@the_rybrary
3 stars
Jul 4, 2024

A standard thriller until it wasn’t. An utterly ridiculous final third lessened the enjoyment for me.

Photo of Antonia Murabito
Antonia Murabito@toni_murabito
3 stars
Jun 17, 2024

I like Riley Sager’s writing but the plot just wasn’t good. Body snatching/spirit switching twist was weird. Although it definitely wasn’t predictable I’ll give him that.

Photo of Pia
Pia @pia04
3 stars
Jun 16, 2024

Would’ve liked it better without the spiritual side ngl

Photo of Abigail Stutz
Abigail Stutz@abbiestutz
2 stars
Jun 15, 2024

Riley sager is one of my favorite authors so I was surprised to find that this book did not catch my attention. I really considered DNF and was dreading picking it up again because I was so bored. It started to turn around page 200 and definitely had some unforeseen twists but at the end, I wasn’t impressed with the overall story. This is definitely my least favorite Sager book so far

Photo of Amanda
Amanda @asteil
2 stars
Jun 10, 2024

I started this book thinking I’d heard this story a million times before, but there was definitely some things I didn’t expect and some really big turns towards the end. It ended in a completely different way than I anticipated when going in blind.

Photo of Caroline
3 stars
Apr 14, 2024

The house across the lake is my first book by author Riley Sager  and I hope not all of his book are the way this one turned out to be. I initially pick up this book because of (a) all the hype behind this book. Everyone or bookclub seemed to be reading this one and (b) the plot seemed to be quite promising. But now having read it, it has left me quite disappointed. The storyline is not something I haven't read before. Its yet another story about a women who drinks way too much of alcohol, while she sits spying on her neighbours across the lake bring their secrets to light as she tries to drown her own secrets from the passed. For most part, this book is just a copy of "The women in the window" only that it's in a different setting with different characters but with the same habits. As for the twist and turns, this book has a lot of them but they all come one after another in the later half of the book. When I picked up this book, i thought it was some sort of a psychological thriller but I was shocked with it paranormal twist, which to be honest for me personal turned out to be a bit child like ghost story and did not give me any goosebumps. The ending too was quite flat as well as its characters. Though, this one was an disappointment, I m still looking forward to read past works by Riley Sager hoping he has done better.

Photo of Sue Schilling
Sue Schilling@soo-z
5 stars
Mar 23, 2024

Excellent mystery with an unforeseen ending!

Photo of Jonathan Garcia
Jonathan Garcia@whatsjonareading
3 stars
Feb 25, 2024

It’s the day after and I’m still thinking about this book it’s so fucked up I can’t comprehend it

Photo of Keely Calagos
Keely Calagos@keelymorgan
1 star
Jan 18, 2024

This will be my last Sager book. He is not the author for me. There isn't much to say about this book that hasn't already been said, so I'll leave it at that. To my future self, who is considering reading another overhyped new release by an author you know you don't love (or even really like for that matter) - please stop.

Photo of Laurianne
4.25 stars
Jan 7, 2024

Turns out I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The plot twists are crazy, I got no time to recover and there was already another one. All in all, that was definitely.... something.

Photo of M. Marques
M. Marques@shvvffle
4 stars
Dec 18, 2023

In general, I found the book enjoyable, although it wasn't until around the 200th page that I became truly hooked as the plot began to unravel. At one point, I even contemplated not finishing the book, but I'm glad I stuck with it. The twist completely caught me off guard, deviating from my initial expectations. As the story progressed and more revelations came to light, I found myself continually surprised, and my focus shifted away from the nature of the initial twist. However, I must admit I wasn't the greatest fan of the ending, but all things considered, it was alright. All in all, it was an entertaining read, and I'm genuinely curious to explore more of the author's work.

Photo of nuha ✨️
nuha ✨️@nuhasahir
4.5 stars
Dec 13, 2023

Riley Sager is a genius. I understand the hype surrounding him now.

Just wanna say though, this is not purely a mystery/thriller. There are some elements in it that can make you go “wait, what?” so keep an open mind.

Photo of Han ◡̈
Han ◡̈@angelhanny
4 stars
Dec 13, 2023

A lot of twists and turns throughout the last half of the book that kept me intrigued to keep reading.

Photo of jess larry
jess larry@hijess
1 star
Nov 10, 2023

first it was boring, almost dnf it but decided to keep reading just to see if i could be proven wrong, if anything interesting would happen then it got fucking stupid, un plot twist tiré par les cheveux built en induisant le lecteur en erreur & plain out deception, THATS THE LAZIEST TYPE OF PLOT TWIST then it got even more stupid, to the point of it being ridiculous, like nothing makes sense at all. there's just too much going on PICK ONE im annoyed

Photo of Lauren Dale
Lauren Dale@ljdale
4 stars
Oct 26, 2023

What. The. Heck. This book was actually insane! I did not see any of the twists happening and audibly gasped at points. The PERFECT book for spooky season!

Photo of Denaiir
4 stars
Oct 3, 2023

+ as usual, the writing is great quite gripping, couldn't put it down I like Sager's take on each popular thriller trope, it's fun - the narrator sounded way older than the character (view spoiler)[didn't like the supernatural element, that whole part was annyoing, I wanted to skip it. I think it would have been better to remove it, it felt a bit lazy (don't know how to include these pieces of information, let's add a supernatural being who will fee it to the characters) (hide spoiler)]

Photo of John Vetter
John Vetter@johnvetter
3 stars
Sep 28, 2023

For the most part enjoyed this book but did not particularly enjoy the ending. Felt like a twist or two too many that made it fall a bit flat for me.

This review contains a spoiler


Photo of Annika McClintock
Annika McClintock@annikarose27

to wok down the street alone at night or stand on a subway platform and wonder if one-or more-of the men around you will try to harass you. Or Assault you. Or kill you just like you killed those three girls who are now somewhere in that lake"

Page 297
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Photo of Amanda Autumn Berrey
Amanda Autumn Berrey@booksofautumn

Katherine beams, her smile brighter and more beautiful than any picture she’s ever been in. “Don’t freak out,” she says. “But I think you almost drowned.”

Page 321

Thats what she said when she saved Katherine

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Photo of Amanda Autumn Berrey
Amanda Autumn Berrey@booksofautumn

Len has poured himself from one vessel—me—into another. Lake Greene.

Page 321
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Photo of Amanda Autumn Berrey
Amanda Autumn Berrey@booksofautumn

After that, it’s on to the master bedroom, where the sight of my own house through the massive windows brings another guilt-inducing reminder that I watched Katherine and Tom in this most private of spaces.

Page 154

Its probably not smart to go into rooms with big windows since she could easily be spotted

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Photo of Amanda Autumn Berrey
Amanda Autumn Berrey@booksofautumn

I can’t help but judge him as I peek into the trash can and see boxes that once held microwave Mexican and Lean Cuisines. Even at my drunkest and laziest, I would never resort to frozen burritos.

Page 154
Photo of Amanda Autumn Berrey
Amanda Autumn Berrey@booksofautumn

Like the rest of the house, it’s got a mid-century modern/ Scandinavian-sparse vibe that’s all the rage on the HGTV shows I sometimes watch when I’m drunk and can’t sleep in the middle of the night. Stainless steel appliances. White everywhere else. Subway tile out the ass. Unlike on those design shows, the Royce kitchen shows signs of frequent, messy use. Multicolored drops of food spatter the countertops. A tray on the center island holds a bowl and spoon crusted with dried oatmeal. On the stovetop is a pot with soup dregs at the bottom. From the milky film coating it, my guess is cream of mushroom, reheated last night.

Page 153
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Photo of Amanda Autumn Berrey
Amanda Autumn Berrey@booksofautumn

I just made coffee. Come over if you want some. I think we should talk about last night.

Page 102

Ok if she really thinks katherine is in an abusive relationship it's really stupid to send a message like this. If she was married to an abuser he could go through her phone, see this text, get mad that katherine has exposed her abuse, and take his anger out on her

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Photo of Amanda Autumn Berrey
Amanda Autumn Berrey@booksofautumn

“You have absolutely no idea what you’re doing,” he says. I say nothing. Because he’s right. I don’t.

Page 98

Im only 30 percent into this book and i think ive solved it. I think Katherine is hooking up or in love with Boone and theyre working together to get rid of tom by making herself look like shes trapped in an abusive marriage. Both Katherine and boone have noticed the binoculars and both have appeared to put on a show while being watched before

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Photo of Amanda Autumn Berrey
Amanda Autumn Berrey@booksofautumn

“I’m just not myself lately. I haven’t felt right for days. I feel weird. Weak. That exhaustion I felt while swimming yesterday? That wasn’t the first time it’s happened. It always feels like what happened last night. My heart starts beating fast. Like, illegal-diet-drug fast. It just overwhelms me. And before I know it, I’m passed out in the grass.” “Do you remember getting home?”

Page 76

Poison or shes faking poison

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Photo of Amanda Autumn Berrey
Amanda Autumn Berrey@booksofautumn

Katherine arrives in the wood-paneled powerboat, looking like a fifties movie star at the Venice Film Festival as she pulls up to the dock. Cornflower blue sundress. Red sunglasses. Yellow silk scarf tied under her chin.

Page 75
Photo of Amanda Autumn Berrey
Amanda Autumn Berrey@booksofautumn

modest shrug. “I won’t hold a grudge.” The woman laughs, and in the process comes alive in a way that banishes all traces of the person I’d found floating in the water. Color has returned to her face—a peachy blush that highlights her high cheekbones, full lips, pencil-line brows. Her gray-green eyes are wide and expressive, and her nose is slightly crooked, a flaw that comes off as charming amid all that perfection. She’s gorgeous, even huddled under a blanket and dripping lake water. She catches me staring

Page 17
Photo of Merry Rudinger
Merry Rudinger@merrudinger

What is marriage but a series of mutual deceptions?

Page 90

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