Final Girls A novel

5 Stars!! This book was full of twists and turns, every time I thought I figured it out...another plot twist!!

dnf at 68%. i really enjoyed the story when i started reading it but as i kept reading i got bored.. and i don’t want to force myself to read a book.

What a ride! Riley Sager is a new to me author that I’ve quickly become obsessed with! This book kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time. I love when thrillers keep me guessing especially when they have multiple twists. 4.5 stars!


Here is the debut psychological thriller by Riley Sager. (not a new author - just a new nom de plume) I have read a few of Riley Sager's books this year - and this one is my favorite so far. In this book, We meet Quincy Carpenter, a woman who was the sole survivor of a mass murder ten years ago. The title "Final Girls" is a new phrase to me - but not a new concept. A common trope is the "last woman standing" in horror movies... the the Final Girl. This book has interesting characters and a few twists (expected and unexpected). I find it suspenseful throughout. If suspenseful psychological thrillers is your thing - this is a great book.

Honestly the concept of this book was interesting but the execution was horrible, definitely should’ve gone through some more editing before publishing cause a lot of scenes felt unneeded like as if they were to give the characters more of a personality but nothing came out of them. I feel like if the effort taken for the scenes that could’ve (and should’ve) been cut was redirected to the ending the book could’ve been really good. Also i felt like the use of final girl as a term was really cringey in this context, but i think the author knew that while writing.
Also: why were the conflicts between characters so under developed when 3/4s of this book focused on the people instead of the thriller sector of the story?? like if your going to have them argue atleast finish the argument don’t leave it halfway

2.5 stars after a couple of weeks of a huge reading slump that was caused by college apps, finals, and stress from all of that, i read a book that has became the most underwhelming book of 2017. more to come

all this mess and my people weren’t even endgame er…

For a lack of better words: Too much girls, not enough final.

this literally kept me hooked until the last page!! so clever

Book #65 Read in 2017 Final Girls by Riley Sager This is my pick for best thriller so far this year. Quincy is a "final girl", the lone survivor of a killing spree at a cottage. Her college friends were butchered. She is not the lone final girl though...there are Lisa and Sam....both lone survivors of a similar horrific event. Quincy has tried to move on with her life but then Lisa commits suicide and Sam comes to visit Quincy. Will her life be turned upside down more than it already is? This book has great twists and turns which will keep readers guessing until the end. I borrowed this book from the public library.

It was fun, it was frustrating at times, it was gripping. I liked the pace, I didn't guess any of the twists, I fell into all the traps the author layed before me, and I couldn't sleep the night I finished it. I really enjoyed it!

I didn't like this one as well as Riley Sager's other books. It was still an okay thriller, but the pace was not as compelling and some of the twists seemed like a stretch. His characters are never super complex, but in this one they're cardboard and inconsistent to boot. If you want to give Riley Sager a try, don't start with this one.

Ummm... plot twists! Engaging read that had me pointing the finger at more than one character! I would have never guessed who was responsible at the end!

I thought I had it all figured out halfway through. I didn’t. Scary!!

I guessed about half of the plot twist, and it started out a little slow, but otherwise I enjoyed it

This book had an amazing Plottwist at the and and left me to stunned to speak. Definitely one of the best Thrillers I‘ve read in 2023

** spoiler alert ** So I picked this up on a whim, being a huge fan of slasher films the title is what drew me in. What was interesting to me was that it had less of a Scream tone, and reminded me more of Chiller's Slasher series. The fact that Coop was Him and Quincy was the one to kill Him. Most times the Final Girl doesn't take out the killer, but that scene at the end between Coop and Quincy almost mirror images Katie McGrath's character's Final Girl scene where she similarly kills her tormentor. Really a fantastic read!

Woah woah woah. This was a whole damn loop! Idk y people don't like this or talk about this enough. I really REALLY enjoyed it. Yes, it doesn't leave that lasting effect or influence but during the course of reading it's INCREDIBLY engaging and suspenful. Riley sager's books r def climbing up the ladder for me. It keeps u on its toes, the plot & the characters r intriguing, u have guessed some things but there is still a lot to figure out so u keep reading, he sets a pace & almost always successfully keeps up with it. It's only after the book ends that u realise it didn't hit u the way u were expecting it to coz it did def entertain u but still something in the end feels flat. Not complaining tho coz i was hooked during the reading so even tho it's not that impactful, it has its way to making up for it.

So my theory was not confirmed. The identity of the killer turned out to be a bit more ordinary than I hoped it would be, but it wrapped things nicely in a logical manner. The mystery itself was riveting, making the pages fly by in a flurry of excitement and nail-biting suspense. I got a bit bored with the repetitive scenes between Quinsy and Sam when the two were getting to know each other, but I guess it was detrimental to one part of the plot. Solid thriller to spend an evening with, but overall not something that would stay with me for a long time.

3.75** This book had a lot of potential! I loved the ‘scary movie’ type theme with the cabin in the woods and the ‘final girl’ aspect, however the first 60% of the book is painfully boring and lacks plot twists. All of the plot twists start happening in the end and it felt really sped up like it should have been spread out more throughout. The Ending was a little random, I know he was going for a plot twist but something just didn’t seem to quite fit…

I really loved “The Last Time I Lied” and “Lock every door”, unfortunately I didn’t enjoy this one as mich. The first half felt very slow and even as it picked up, it never really drew me in. Overall a little too predictable and average.

I really wanted to like this but it was seriously so boring until like the last 50 pages. And also for some reason Riley’s writing style bothers me? Maybe cause I read this on audio? I still plan to try out their other book though.

My true rating of this would be a 3.5/5. The ending saved the entire book from being a 3/5 but not enough substance throughout the book for me to give it a solid 4/5.