Rising Strong
The physics of vulnerability is simple: If we are brave enough often enough, we will fall. The author of the #1New York Times bestsellers Daring Greatly and The Gifts of Imperfectiontells us what it takes to get back up, and how owning our stories of disappointment, failure, and heartbreak gives us the power to write a daring new ending. Struggle, Brené Brown writes, can be our greatest call to courage, and rising strong our clearest path to deeper meaning, wisdom, and hope.
Marcy Pursell @mpursell21
Deepika Ramesh@theboookdog
Stephanie Rosado@stephalmengo
Sarah Ryan@sarahryan
Nadine @intlnadine
Omar Fernandez@omareduardo
Danica Holdaway@dholdy
Lance Willett@lancewillett
Kevin S Perrine@kevinsperrine
Caitlin Berger@thefluteyfeminist
Nandita Joshi @nandita
Shannon Cullum@shanc4567
Anna Loverus@annaloverus
Jessica Sacher@jessbio
Ember Skies@emberexplores
Kaelan Chambers@kchambers
Emily Burns@emilymelissabee
Roderick Pitts@rodpitts
Andrea Pozo@andrepora
Martin Heuer@maddin
Bryn Newell@bryn_olivia
Nandita Joshi @nandita
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Nandita Joshi @nandita
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Elyse Anderson@elysejune
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