
Thanos A God up There Listening

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Photo of Dimitris Papastergiou
Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai
3 stars
Jul 1, 2023

A nice story about Thane, son of Thanos and what his place is. He thinks and feels that he's a good man but... some have another idea. So he begins a quest to learn about his father and his father's past and the whole ideology of his. Fun, great artwork and also reading in digital was super nice because of the transitions from one panel to another. (it was released in digital first)

Photo of Dimitris Papastergiou
Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai
3 stars
Jul 1, 2023

Ah.. and we finally arrived to the end... (or did we?) It was good. It was worth it. And I still love how Thanos was portrayed throughout the whole Infinity series. I like Starlin a lot. And most of his work. I didn't like the repetitiveness of it. The Thanos feels some disturbance in the universe ---> searches for it ----> finds allies ----> goes against villains while teaming up with good guys ----> has to convince good guys that he's not THAT bad ----> good guys die ------> saves the universe ----> everything is restored again and everything that happened throughout this adventure is now back to normal like it didn't happen. And there you have it. And I know. What did you expect? For everything to NOT go back to normal? No. I didn't. But This scenario was being played out since the fucking Infinity Gauntlet back in the 90s. AND STARLIN IS STILL DOING IT. That's what annoys me.. other than that I'm good. I don't mind the use dialogue and thoughts if it has a point. More than half the time it does in here and it's good. The GREAT thing to take from all of this is the great sci-fi story Starlin tells. The way he's handling Thanos. The way he's tying up loose ends from all of Thanos' appearances and everything that Thanos did throughout his life (and death). This GN is good. And you should read it. Of course you can't read it as a standalone comic, you're going to miss out on a LOT of things. Also, fucking GREAT stuff with Adam Warlock too. Loved it! That's all. Bye!

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