AMPL A Modeling Language for Mathematical Programming

AMPL, developed at AT&Ts Bell Laboratories, is a powerful, yet easy-to-use modeling environment for problems in linear, nonlinear, network, and integer programming. Users can formulate optimization models and analyze solutions using common algebraic notation; the computer manages the interface to advanced optimizers. In less advanced programming software, students must write out every variable and constraint explicitly. AMPLs powerful display commands encourage creative responses to modeling assignments..The AMPL Student Edition is a full-featured version of the AMPL and optimizer software that accepts problems up to 300 variables and 300 constraints. AMPLs modeling approach can handle real-world problems. AMPL student models easily scale up to optimization problems of realistic size. AMPL Student Edition comes with both the MINOS and CPLEX solvers. Beginners need only type solve to invoke an optimizer, but advanced students have full access to algorithmic options because the AMPL Student Edition works just like the professional editions that run on computers from PCs to Crays. Classroom skills transfer directly to the job environment.
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