The 48 Laws of Power
3000 years of history of power is distilled into 48 well-explicated laws that will help the reader either in gaining, observing or defending against power. Each law is illustrated by the tactics wielded by famous figures from throughout history, those who have wielded, and thoose who were victimised by - power.
Timeo Williams@timeowilliams
Mohatdy Mahdy@mohtady
01010111 01000010@nigripilosum
Toni Romero@antonio
Althea Trixie@strawverre
Jovana Gjekanovikj @jovana
matej yangwao@yangwao
Dimitris Papastergiou@s4murai
Jannis M@jmm
Keven Wang@kevenwang
Arturo Hernández@artthh
Ahmed Salem@salem309
Josh Clement@joshclement
Fatima Zahra@fatimazahra89
Nadine @intlnadine
Cindy Augusty@bookishcindyst
Omar Fernandez@omareduardo
Ivaylo Durmonski@durmonski
Sofia Nadia@sofia_nadia
Siddharth Ramakrishnan@siddharthvader
Jason Long@jasonlong
Cha Mi-Ri@cha_miri