Woodstock Handmade Houses

Woodstock Handmade Houses

Celebrating the homes, studios, & workshops of a famed art colony, as well as their builders' lifestyles. Captured in stunning color photos are the plain & poetic, beautiful & exotic, funky & rustic shelters & workplaces of generations of creative residents of that unique Catskill mountain village. Main thesis: great homes can still be built cheaply by anyone with vision, determination, & some honest toil. The Woodstock House, featured herein, is almost always owner designed & built, using local woods & quarry materials, & salvage from old farms, mills, logging yards, & dumps. Recycling, self-sufficiency, & communal pitching-in before they became fashionable are all shown here. Gorgeous images permanently record the ingenuity, care, & craftsmanship of the artists & builders & one marvels at how they keep the elements off their easels, kilns, computers, table saws, pottery wheels, stained glass, word processors, etc... In its original edition a best-seller (150,000 copies), reviewed in the N.Y. Times, Rolling Stone, & excerpted in major magazines & museum shows in the U.S., Europe & Japan, this new computer-enhanced edition is updated & timed to the renaissance of the Woodstock Idea, not just as expressed in the famous rock festivals, but the more enduring aspects coming across the generations & going forward positively into the future. To order: PDS, 6893 Sullivan Road, Grawn, MI 49637. Phone: 616-276-5196, FAX: 616-276-5197, Orders: 1-800-345-0096.
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