The Ride 2nd Gear New Custom Motorcycles and Their Builders
The motorcycle is back and is here to stay. The custom motorcycle scene keeps on growing and exciting. There are more and better builders than ever, and the scene has become an integral part of motorcycle culture as well as youth culture. Builders are joining the custom ranks at a younger age and are creating bikes that are mind-blowingly innovative and always surprising. The aesthetic of these new custom bikes has evolved : 1960s café racers from the UK and the US continue to be relevant but builders are now going in new directions, getting their inspiration from 1990s skateboard and youth culture. Collectors are buying stunning art bikes from important builders, and big brands are using the custom scene as a hotbed for new ideas, borrowing some of their designs and striving to imitate the energy that oozes from the current custom scene's momentum. The Ride 2nd Gear documents custom trends and grasps the spirit of our times. The book will influence custom motorcycle builders and enthusiasts for years to come.