Sudden Fiction

Sudden Fiction American Short-short Stories

Gathers seventy stories by Paley, Hannah, Barthelme, Cheever, Updike, Tallent, Carver, Boyle, Williams, Oates, Hemingway, and Malamud
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Photo of Haylie
1 star
Dec 28, 2022

Blandest book I've ever read. Only two good stories: "No One's A Mystery" and "Any Moment..."

This book appears on the shelf 2023 books

The Remains of the Day
The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro
The Vegetarian
The Vegetarian by Han Kang
A Gathering of Shadows
A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab
Dept. of Speculation
Dept. of Speculation by Jenny Offill
Grief Is the Thing with Feathers
Grief Is the Thing with Feathers by Max Porter
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me by Mariko Tamaki

This book appears on the shelf Read in 2020

Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
Animal Farm
Animal Farm by George Orwell
The Hobbit
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
On Liberty
On Liberty by John Stuart Mill
Aesop's fables
Aesop's fables

This book appears on the shelf Superheroes

Batman: Year One
Batman: Year One by David Mazzucchelli
The Uncanny X-men
The Uncanny X-men by John Byrne
Runaways Volume 3 The Good Die Young
Runaways Volume 3 The Good Die Young by Brian K. Vaughan
The Amazing Spider-man
The Amazing Spider-man by Dan Slott
Batman - The Court of Owls
Batman - The Court of Owls by Scott Snyder
Justice League - Origin
Justice League - Origin by Geoff Johns