To Be Loved, An MS Story

To Be Loved, An MS Story

To Be Loved: An MS Story, follows the unexpected adjustments Trebor makes to provide a stable life for his precious children. His adult daughter and young grandson, cast out and homeless, turn to Trebor for aid. Disabled with the debilitating symptoms of multiple sclerosis, his daughter becomes dependent on her father for day-to-day care. Though that co-dependence tests Trebor, it also gives birth to a greater bond. Trebor is determined his daughter won’t live a life of sadness. He doesn’t see her disease as a reason to count her out. Yet, his efforts to provide her with the thrills, pleasures and joys the rest of the world enjoys so effortlessly only sends his spirit soaring as high as the sky for it to only suddenly crash as low as though into a darkened pit. As each day passes, Trebor realizes his daughter’s progressive and challenging condition not only intrudes on the normal flow of desires she has in life —but also his. Bound to caring for his daughter, and raising his grandson, Trebor feels romantic love is no longer a possibility. To know love’s warmth, and to receive and share its fondness again, seem out of the question. His devotion primarily belongs to his children now. Yet, mysteriously, fascination enters his family’s lives. A woman, her challenges similarly rooted to those of his daughter’s, arrives unexpectedly into Trebor’s world – and takes over part of his consciousness. This woman ignites in him an abundance of passion and desire. Romance is on fire. But can Trebor still be loved?
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