Global Salafism

Global Salafism Islam's New Religious Movement

Roel Meijer2009
Part 1 : Salafist Doctrine 1. On the Nature of Salafi Thought and Action 33 Appendix al-Qaeda's Creed and Path Bernard Haykel 51 2. Between Revolution and Apoliticism: Nasir al-Din al-Albani and his Impact on the Shaping of Contemporary Salafism Stephane Lacroix 58 3. The Transformation of a Radical Concept: al-wala wa-l-bara in the Ideology of Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi Joas Wagemakers 81 4. Jihadi-Salafism and the Shi'is: Remarks about the Intellectual Roots of anti-Shi'ism Guido Steinberg 107 5. Salafism in Pakistan: The Ahl-c Hadith Movement Mariam Abou Zahab 126 Part 2 : Salafism and Politics 6. The Salafi Critique of Islamism: Doctrine, Difference and the Problem of Islamic Political Action in Contemporary Sudan Noah Salomon 143 7. Ambivalent Doctrines and Conflicts in the Salafi Movement in Indonesia Noorhaidi Hasan 169 8. Commanding Right and Forbidding Wrong as a Principle of Social Action: The Case of the Egyptian al-Jama'a al-lslamiyya Roel Meijer 189 9. Salafi Formations in Palestine: The Limits of a de-Palestinised Milieu Khaled Hroub 221 Part 3 : Jihadi-Salafism 10. Jihadi-Salafis or Revolutionaries? On Religion and Politics in the Study of Militant Islamism Thomas Heggbammer 244 11. Debates within the Family: Jihadi-Salafi Debates on Strategy, Takfir, Extremism, Suicide Bombings and the Sense of the Apocalypse Reuven Paz 267 12. 'Destructive Doctrinairians': Abu Mus'ab al-Suri's Critique of the Salafis in the Jihadi Current Brynjar Lia 281 Part 4 : The Local and the Global in Salafism 13. The Local and the Global in Saudi Salafi Discourse Madawi Al-Rasheed 301 14. How Transnational is Salafism in Yemen? Laurent Bonnefoy 321 15. Growth and Fragmentation: The Salafi Movement in Bale, Ethiopia Terje Qstebo 342 Part 5 : Salafism and Identity 16. Salafism in France: Ideology, Practices and Contradictions Mohamed-Ali Adraoui 364 17. The Attraction of'Authentic Islam': Salafism and British Muslim Youth Sadek
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