British Serial Killers Volume 1

British Serial Killers Volume 1 Harold Shipman and Fred and Rose West - 2 Books In 1

BRITISH SERIAL KILLERS VOLUME 1: Harold Shipman and Fred and Rose West - 2 Books in 1 Featuring... *Harold Shipman*Fred and Rose West 2 Great Books in 1! Harold Shipman As a society, we are conditioned to believe that doctors will do their utmost to nurture our well-being, and protect our lives. We implicitly trust that people only go into such professions to care for their patients in a loving and attentive manner. Very few of us would suspect that someone claiming to promote our health would not do everything in their power to ensure our survival; and even fewer of us would suspect that someone whose job it is to keep us safe, would actively want to harm us. That blind trust is exactly the mentality that led to over 200 people being murdered at the hands of Britain's most prolific serial killer, Doctor Harold Fredrick Shipman. Shipman used the trust of his patients as a weapon against them. He managed to avoid detection as a murderer for almost 30 years by putting on a convincing performance as a conscientious caregiver. His activities led to unnerving questions of whether we ever really know someone, whether we can really trust those we are told we should trust, and whether we are ever really safe from harm. Fred and Rose West Some of Britain's most horrific crimes took place in a seemingly normal home. Fred and Rosemary West lived with their nine children at 25 Cromwell Street, in Gloucester, England. The large family was tight knit and was fairly well-liked in the community, but the West household was far from a normal, wholesome home. Fred and Rose used their house as equal parts brothel and torture dungeon. They put their children, lodgers, and strangers through horrific abuse, torture, and even murder. They did unspeakable things behind closed doors that would eventually give their house the nickname The Gloucester House of Horrors. The story of Fred and Rose West is proof that we never really know what is going on in other people's lives, and that evil can be happening in the most mundane places, right under our noses.
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