Roger Harrington
True Murder Volume 2
Yorkshire Ripper and Fred and Rose West - 2 Books In 1

True Murder Volume 2 Yorkshire Ripper and Fred and Rose West - 2 Books In 1

TRUE MURDER VOLUME 2: Yorkshire Ripper and Fred and Rose West - 2 Books in 1 Featuring... *Yorkshire Ripper*Fred and Rose West2 Great Books in 1!Yorkshire RipperJune 2nd, 1946. Peter William Sutcliffe was born to parents Kathleen and John Sutcliffe in the working class area of Bingley, Yorkshire. Considered by both of his parents to be a perfect baby, both his mother and father had their own expectations for what their first-born son was to become in later life. John, his father, wanted Peter to grow up to become a real man's man. A working class; local lad who would enjoy beer, football, weightlifting and an all-round extroverted lifestyle. His mother, Kathleen, had expectations of her son becoming a gentleman. A respectable boy who treated people properly and always made time for others. To the shock of both of his parents, Peter grew to be neither of these things. As a youngster, he was a quiet, introverted boy. He rarely associated with other children during his primary school years, and instead opted for a more indoor lifestyle. He wasn't like the rest of the children who played sports together or chased after girls. He was considered to be something else entirely. To everyone else, he was an everyday, working class gentleman who could do no harm to anyone. Peter Sutcliffe would later come to be known as the Yorkshire Ripper; the man who terrorized the north of England in a series of vicious killings spanned six years.Fred and Rose WestSome of Britain's most horrific crimes took place in a seemingly normal home. Fred and Rosemary West lived with their nine children at 25 Cromwell Street, in Gloucester, England. The large family was tight knit and was fairly well-liked in the community, but the West household was far from a normal, wholesome home. Fred and Rose used their house as equal parts brothel and torture dungeon. They put their children, lodgers, and strangers through horrific abuse, torture, and even murder. They did unspeakable things behind closed doors that would eventually give their house the nickname The Gloucester House of Horrors. The story of Fred and Rose West is proof that we never really know what is going on in other people's lives, and that evil can be happening in the most mundane places, right under our noses.
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