Sultana's Dream And Padmarag : Two Feminist Utopias
Widely regarded as Bengal's earliest and boldest feminist writer, Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain (1880-1932) was a pioneering and creative educationist and social activist, and the school she founded in Kolkata, the Sakhawat Memorial School for Girls, still thrives. Sultana's Dream, written in English (1905), is a delightful satirical work set in Ladyland, where the men are in purdah and the women go out and work. An extraordinary novella with generous dashes of melodrama and romance, disasters and coincidences, Padmarag, written in Bengali (1924) and translated here for the first time, describes a female-founded and female-administered community set in contemporary Bengal, where women from diverse regions and ethnicities, with unhappy histories of patriarchal oppression, better their lot by concrete social action. Both Sultana's Dream and Padmarag discuss in playful, fascinating, and intelligent ways the question of women's education.

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