
Volver a leer este libro fue la mejor decisión que tome este mes, al principio no me había gustado nada y era aburrido Muy equivocada estaba porque este libro es tan bueno como los anteriores y Penelope es una de las mejores protagonistas de la saga Colin mi solecito

I think this is, by far, my favorite one in the Bridgerton series.

I think this is, by far, my favorite one in the Bridgerton series.

Started reading to I could finish before I finished the Netflix season, and it was fantastic. Kicking my feet giddy reading some portions. Polin was definitely such a good match! A little different from the show but I always side with the books.

This one is definitely my favorite so far!❤️

kicking my feet for real

** spoiler alert ** I thought there would be more drama to Colin and Penelope's story, but overall I quite liked it, even if it moved quickly.


i love how u get to know more abt pen and colin and how intrinsic their characters are

Colin is such a man child I really need to know what they’re gonna do with him on the TV show to fix that. Penelope is so great, I love her. I’m kinda sad she retired tho, that was easily my favorite part of the books.

i love you penelope 🫶🫶🫶🫶 … colin… literally gtfo

think Benedict’s book is my favorite still but this one was good. love triangle between Colin, Penelope, and food

I was so excited for this book but it was such a let down.

Omg the writing is fucking horrible, but I still find this so fun. Shame on me.

This is just like eating fast food - cheesy, sloppy, greasy, but somehow just so darn delicious. I've not read any of the other Bridgerton books, and frankly I don't care for them, but Polin?! Oh I love them so freaking much. They're the only characters in the show that I like (Nicola Coughlan, I will fight to the death for you), and I love them even more in the books. Their dynamic is sweet, charming, and sincere. I love that they have history that is awkward and complicated, but it makes both of their feelings feel genuine instead of instalove or just pure sexual attraction. There are things I don't like, though. 1. Why is Penelope suddenly not fat? I don't like that! 2. I don't like that book!Colin didn't even know the colour of Penelope's eyes in the TWELVE years he's known her. I don't understand the choice here, because they're supposed to have been good friends, missed opportunity to have Colin be in love with Penelope but unaware of his feelings like he's unaware of his talent. This is what show!Colin does better than book!Colin. 3. Only ONE sex scene?! Are you serious?! Otherwise, I really liked it, it was a very fun, cheesy, romantic romp. The proposal scene is one of my all-time favourite pieces of comedy. Quinn's writing really comes across as kinetic here - the best in the book, really. Excited to see it adapted on screen, hoping Polin isn't rendered absolutely boring like the previous couples.

I can’t breathe, this is a goddamn masterpiece

Might be my least favorite of the 4 I've read, but I couldn't stop laughing the entire time. I like Penelope, can't stand Collin

I wanted to read this before the show came out

upon my reread it’s clear that Colin has some weird comments and outburst and the writing does lack quite a bit? but this book still holds a dear place in my hear. i love penelope and colin’s story and i think whatever way shondaland change the story it will be wonderful


what the actual FUCK hard to convey my feelings for this one since I'm hysterically crying while I type this (wish I was kidding). this book was fantastic. friends to lovers IS the superior trope. polin are the cutest people to grace this earth. I think I loved this book so much because I related SO HARD to both penelope and colin, their doubts, desires, dreams and need to transcend. they're both writers too, which certainly added to this. they felt so real and I loved that about them and the relationship they formed. I do have to say I felt like Colin's perspective felt kinda rushed. he went from "oh this is pen, MY BFF" to "oh wait I wanna marry her" in like a few pages. I would've loved to see a lil bit of slowburn (on his side, since Penelope has been pining for him for four books already) in this book, maybe like him already starting the book having doubts, but whatever. I also didn't read two out of the three previous books so I may have missed something. regardless, this was SO beautiful. the way colin fell so hard for her and couldn't stop worshipping her after that... sjdnwjgjwjg they deserve the world, as do hyacinth, eloise, mrs. danbury and the rest of the bridgertons❤️ loved the family dynamics my angels deserve the world actually and yeah I'm back to sobbing because of them!!!

Tis' another good book, as expected Book 1 of my power outage book binge Day 3 without power

Colin, and all the men in this series, should've been run over by a parade of carriages, then we could at least not have to suffer through these controlling manbabies' whining and feel some semblance of positive feelings for them.

And then there was the scariest prospect of all: what if his writing was published but no one liked it?

Did words have meaning if they were never heard?

I don’t know. I don’t know when, I don’t know how, and to be honest, I don’t care. But I know this much is true: I love you, and I hate myself for not seeing the real you all these years.

Maybe this, then, was the definition of love. When you wanted someone, needed her, adored her still, even when you were utterly furious and quite ready to tie her to the bed, just to keep her from going out and making more trouble.

His love hadn’t been a thunderbolt from the sky. It had started with a smile, a word, a teasing glance. Every second he had spent in her presence it had grown, until he’d reached this moment, and he suddenly knew. He loved her.

He assumed he say something flip and droll, like the devil-may-care fellow he was reputed to be. Anything for you, perhaps, or maybe, every woman deserves at least one kiss. But as he closed the bare distance between them, he realized that there were no words that could capture the intensity of the moment. No words for the passion. No words for the need. No words for the sheer epiphany of the moment.

Eloise era la sua più cara amica. Colin era il suo amore, la sua passione, la sua anima, ma era Eloise che, più di tutti, aveva plasmato la sua vita da adulta. Non riusciva nemmeno a immaginare come sarebbe stato l’ultimo decennio senza il sorriso, le risate e il costante buonumore di Eloise. Le aveva voluto bene anche più della sua famiglia.

Forse era quella la definizione di amore. Quando volevi una persona, ne avevi bisogno, l’adoravi, anche nei momenti di collera, quando saresti stato disposto a legarla al letto per impedirle di uscire a combinare altri guai.

«Per l’amor del cielo, Penelope» disse, prendendole una mano e tirandola giù. «Volete sposarmi o no?»

Lui però la credeva bella e quando la guardava… Penelope si sentiva bella. E non era mai accaduto prima. La baciò nuovamente, con più passione questa volta, mordicchiandola, accarezzandola, facendole risvegliare l’anima e il corpo.

Baciare Penelope Featherington era una pessima idea per un centinaio di buoni motivi, pensò Colin, il primo dei quali era che in realtà voleva baciarla.

Non voleva che se ne andasse, ma sapeva che Penelope lo avrebbe fatto. Avrebbe pensato fosse la cosa giusta, quello che lui desiderava. Nulla di più lontano dal vero, comprese sorpreso.

Si può apprezzare la perfezione se rappresenta una costante nella propria vita?

Eloise sorrise e, ancora una volta, Penelope si rese conto di quanto fosse fortunata ad averla come amica.