Romeo And/or Juliet A Chooseable-path Adventure

Hilarious and complicated and hilarious and COMPLICATED and awesome and amazing and fun and great.

I must confess I expected a bit more. The reading playthrough is too short for a book with 400 pages. It makes for lots and lots of different possible universes with dozens of endings, from the most vulgar to the most craziest. However when each branch is starting to really pick your attention it ends, leaving a sentiment of frustration. Also, Ryan North writing style is not my cup of tea, tries to much to be funny, making jokes with every little detail, even if some of the jokes are very well constructed from an intertextual point of view.

Me ha encantado poder elegir qué personaje ser y todos los finales posibles a los que he llegado me han parecido maravillosos.

3.75/5 stars. Fun quick read.

SO INCREDIBLY FUN AND HILARIOUS!!!! I don't think you can ever say that you've "finished" this book because there are SO MANY POSSIBILITIES and all of them are so equally funny. My friends and I loved reading this together. We even made a game out of it and acted out the scenes! This is definitely best to read with friends in my opinion because it makes everything more funny!