
See.. here's the thing. I liked it. Even though the artwork at this point is getting too much for me and I'm barely just looking at it. Besides Thanos everything/everyone else is fucked up. I hate every single character drawn in this one and I should have taken a star out just because of the hideous scaling art and the differences between characters in some panels being huge or too small and whatever, and NO I'm not talking about PIP THE TROLL or Mr. Fantastic being too huge/small. Anyway, story-wise... this wasn't the best thing of all, we saw it coming of course .. with the Infinity War ending, this was the only thing that we saw coming. I didn't read it back then and I wasn't missing on much. It's got a premise, it gets kinda interesting, but it gets too much for its own good. It gets frustrating, and boring midway through, and towards the end, I didn't even care anymore up until I saw Thanos again having a monologue. You don't care about the villain or the dialogue between heroes and whatnot. it's just there and the process of the story feels meh. Sorry, but so far after re-reading everything and reading stuff I haven't read back then (like this one) well, this is my least favourite cosmic story. Not that it's not good, but it's not Infinity Gauntlet (DUH) or Infinity War GOOD. That's all. Had me at the start, lost me midway/towards end. Hideous artwork that I loathe and hope to never see again in the future of my Thanos binge reading!