Royal Player

There was just so much wrong with it! For starters, please research the royal family and what each member does. How they act and everything. Charlie is so far down the line that no one really cares what he does - they’ll still talk about his love life, but be a tennis star. Who cares? Zara Tindell is/was (dunno if she still does it) in horse dressage. And she’s the Queens granddaughter! (You’ve said he’s 3rd in line, get the Queen is his great aunt? Yeah, that’s not how it works) And know what words we use - hint. We don’t use cellphone or dive bar. And know your UK laws. Revenge porn has been illegal since 2015. I had high hopes for this book. I love a good sports romance. Only reason why it has 2 stars was it was going so well until the photos. And then it took a huge hit and was just all unnecessary.