Royal Wedding A Princess Diaries Novel

The Princess Diaries was a huge part of my teen years and it was such a thrill to go back and read about this characters once again. I love how Mia has grown and yet she still remains the same sassy, clumsy princess we know and love. I'm happy to report I was really impressed and love how the characters have grown and yet they still remain the same. Also I was scared this would still be YAish but Meg Cabot has accounted for her fans' growing up and there's a lot of adult topics touched upon. This was fun and cute and very nostalgic read.

The Princess Diaries was like one of my favourite book series when I was younger. I adored Mia. So this book is like an amazing reunion with the characters in this book series, in a way. Mia is still quite neurotic, but a bit more level-headed, or well... slightly. Grandmere is still a bossy, headstrong woman. Michael is still perfection in a literal sense, and as nerdy and dorky as Mia. Moments between M(ia) and M(ichael) had me squealing like a rabid fangirl. Needless to say, I think The Princess Diaries still remains amongst my favourite book series, and to conclude this; Royal Wedding is like everything I wished for and didn't knew I wanted. Mia + Michael = forever. Now, if only the book series was available in paperback (B format) with matching book covers, and that the audiobooks were narrated by the same narrator, preferably Arielle DeLisle or Anne Hathaway. I would love that.

quiero el emoji de pingüino

buddy reread ! literally the most disappointing ending to the series !!!!

It was great to relive my childhood with this book. I loved the series as I was growing up and it was nice to reminisce. And I still love it today


** spoiler alert ** Oh how I love living vicariously in Mia's world. And to visit it again to see where everyone ended up was a great reunion! I can only hope that a new book will come out where we can see how Mia is faring being in charge of Genovia and with her twins. I know I will also be following Olivia's new series as well. This made me want to re-read the whole series again to experience the magic like it was the first time.

Nostalgia feelings! Loved this.

First of all I want to talk about the princess diaries series as a whole .. So I read the series when I was around 13-15 years old which was also around Mia's age and I felt like it was the perfect book for me to read at that age, it's true that I was a teenager but I was also a sucker for a cheesy "princess" story and that was delivered to me by this book which totally sucked me in and made me love reading because I discovered that I can feel and experience a marvelous amount of emotions and pleasant feelings through books which might sound pathetic for some people but it's joyous and fun simply because I'm certain that I won't wake up one day and find out that Ima princess nor that I'll end up with a hot Fae prince warrior but through books I get to live that and that's a blessing. Whilst reading this book it hit me that both me and Mia (I most certainly know that she's a fictional character!!) grew up and while she's facing more difficulties than I do I kinda feel like understand her just like I understood her when I read the first book, I can't deny that this book flooded me with nostalgic feelings and I'm very glad I've read it because it reminded me of the reason why I love reading from the first place ⚠️ Spoilers ⚠️ So we see Mia and Michael together in this book and they're just as cute as they were in high school, no scratch that they're even ten times cuter now. Mia is still as funny as she has always been and she's one of those fictional characters that feel like a real person to the reader because you can relate to her she's like a sister or a friend and I love her and her clumsiness and stupidity because I always feel like I understand what she's doing and why she's doing it, Grandmere is still a funny character that you can't help but love although she can be a bit annoying sometimes but without her there's no fun at all. Lilly, Tina, Laura and all of Mia's friends warm my heart because theyre all still the same but more grown up and ugh all of that made me break down and cry mid-book because I felt so nostalgic and old although I'm not the one who's getting married and having twins! I've always shipped Mia's mom with Mia's dad and I'm so so so happy to know that they ended up together because younger me wanted the happily ever after to all of the characters and to see all the ties knotted gives me a great deal of satisfaction. Olivia was an unexpected character that I grew to love in seconds honestly because she's adorable and I know that Meg wrote book about her diaries and idk I kinda wanna read that too, I could ramble about all of this for hours because I'm overwhelmed with feelings but I really know that I won't be able to shut up, one last thing though, Michael will always be my first and favorite fictional male character no matter what happens.