Royally Endowed

This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance I saw this book at my library for audio and I just had to grab it up and man I don’t know why I took so long to read or listen to this book since it was fantastic and I loved seeing the development of this romance and it was a bit different than I was expecting. Its a slow burn romance that happens over a five year period and I really liked how Emma Chase handled it. Normally I am not a huge fan over a romance that goes such a long distance of time, I like something more quicker paced, but I did enjoy the dynamics that Emma Chase introduces to us here. Our story starts our with a intense scene of the persent where we get the hint that something is terrible wrong and then it takes us back five years where our hero and heroine first meet. Logan and Ellie. Ellie is the sister to the heroine of the first book “Olivia’ and with her sister marrying a royal prince, Ellie’s life could be in danger because of the connection and since she is still in high school, she is assigned a body guard “Logan” who is also very good friends with Nicholas and understands his duty despite his strong attraction to Ellie. But he knows that she is off limits first her age but also the fact that she is Olivia’s sister and he is just a bodyguard who grew up in the slums but wanted something better out of his life especially after seeing his family still living there and how their lives have gone down hill. The story begins with Logan and Ellie both have a attraction to each other, but its pretty much forbidden but they become good friends. Ellie is full of life and energy and a bit clumsy at times, but has such an open heart and loves everyone. Logan is determined to protect her even from himself. So he keeps his attraction at bay, and seeing her graduate from high school and then go through college and now she is back with living with her sister at the palace who is heavily pregnant and Ellie is bound to prove to Logan that they are worth fighting for and the love they have had for each other for years. What a fantastically well spun story and with Emma Chase at the helm there is no doubt that it would be. I simply adored seeing this book come to fruition and the development of these two characters. I adored the ways that we see their attraction for each other and how they keep their chemistry at bay because of the difference of age and their circumstances. But what I really enjoyed is that Ellie doesn’t ever look at Logan as less just because he is a bodyguard or where he grew up and she tends to be a bit protective of him at times and I loved what a wonderful partner to Logan she is. Another fun aspect to this book was seeing some old favorites have some action in this book, we get to see both couples from the first two books play a role and also the “grandmother” who is the Queen and boy she is a piece of work but I also really admired her too at times even if I felt she was a bit too self righteous. But boy seeing these couples grow and seeing what fun this family has together is so endearing and it was placed in the story to really balance it all out. Overall I found Royally Endowed to be a stunning romantic tale that gives us a slow built emotional love story that is packed with emotion, witty laughter and enough drama to get you feeling all the feels!!WELL WRITTEN AND I can’t recommend this book enough!!

idk how to rate this bc i don’t like that they met when she was a minor

*3.5 stars*

the SLOWBURN my god


Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads. There was a moment while reading Royally Screwed that I had to stop reading and pull up Goodreads to see which characters would get the next two books in the Royally series. I was only vaguely excited for Henry's book — yet wound up loving it — but I straight up yelped and cheered when I saw Logan and Ellie would be paired up in Royally Endowed. There was something about the chemistry between them that had me shipping them from the start. Waaaaay before I probably should've been, to be honest. I loved knowing they would be end game and I was very much looking forward to their story. And guess what? It was everything I wanted and more. Ellie and Logan had this great slow burn thing going on and this book covers quite a span in time. I'm not usually big on when there are large jumps in time while I'm reading, but it worked really well here. I feel like they had to advance it some for it to feel "right" to root for Ellie and Logan. It was delightful to watch how they grew — and how things grew between them — from bodyguard to friend to much more. The whole progression just felt so real. I was so here for it, too. While I loved each of the couples in the Royally series, there was just something special about Ellie and Logan and their story. Maybe it was because we knew them for such a long time in book world? Or maybe it was just because they were who they were. The Duchess's little sister and one of the Duke's body guards? The one who just happened to be keeping her safe, too? Perfection. I couldn't get enough of their chemistry and banter in the beginning, innocent as it was at the time, and loved the passion later even more so. I love the woman Ellie became during this series. Logan was super freaking swoony and amazing, too. Together they were basically perfect. Their story was so sweet and fun and sexy, with all the feels I want in my reading. I loved it so much. I can't wait to see what comes next in this series! FAVORITE QUOTES I love caffeine. Love it. The high, the rush, the feeling that I'm Wonder Woman's long-lost cousin and there ain't shit I can't do. Somebody once told me a slow-burning fire is the hottest—and it must be true. Because Logan and I are a fucking inferno. "I'll give it to you sweet, Ellie. I swear I'll make it so fucking sweet you'll ache... but now I just... I need..." Life changes us, with its twists and turns, in ways we don't always see coming. It changes what we want, what we dream, lays blessings in our hands better than anything we could've imagined.

I adore this series! There something about these characters that makes me want more books! There’s a lot more time jumps in this narrative but worked for the storyline - going back to the start of the first book Royally Screwed and beyond to the wonderful ever after. I adore being able to see what’s happened to the couples we feel in love with in the pervious books.

This one is by far my favorite of the serie!

Best bodyguard book ever ♥