Royally Yours

Royally Yours

Emma Chase2018
"Princess Lenora Celeste Beatrice Arabella Pembrook had an unusual childhood. She was raised to be a Queen - the first Queen of Wessco. When she's crowned at just nineteen, the beautiful young monarch is prepared to rule. She's charming, clever, confident and cunning. What she isn't is married. It's her advising council's first priority. It's what Parliament is demanding, and what her people want. Lenora has no desire to tie herself to a man - particularly one who only wants her for her crown. But compromises must be made and royals must do their duty. Years ago, Edward Langdon Richard Dorian Rourke walked away from his title and country. Now he's an adventurer - climbing mountains, exploring lungles, going wherever he wants, when he wants - until family devotion brings him back home. And a sacred promise keeps him there. to Edward, the haughty, guarded little queen is intrigueing, infuriating - and utterly captivating. Wanting her just might drive him mad - or become his greatest adventure. Withing the cold, stone walls of the royal palae - mistrust threatens, wills clahs, and an undeniable, passionate love will change the future of the monarch forever."--Back cover.
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Photo of Lover of Romance
Lover of Romance @addictedtoromance
4 stars
Jan 1, 2023

This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance Royally Yours is a story that takes us on a adventure back through time. If you are familiar with this series than you know of the romance of this pair but now we get to have their story told and I have to say its my favorite of the WHOLE series and that is saying something considering how much love I have had for this series. Emma Chase, though, has definitely outdone herself with these books and Royally Yours tops them all in my opinion. I was nervous about this one that it wouldn't live up to the hype of it or the vision I have of his pair but it won in every regard. In the previous books we have seen the grandchildren of this pair find their love...but they have a legacy and it all starts with Edward and Lenora. Because love is bloody awful, Chicken. And fantastic. A beautiful, horrible, messy thing. It will make you feel like you can fly one day and rip your guts out the next. It’s complicated.” Alfie shrugs. “And your father wants you to have simple, as much as you can. Because he knows there’s already a whole crown of complications just waiting to be put on your pretty head Lenora has always known of her destiny, that she would one day rule as queen. But growing up her life wasn't easy or full of warmth and laughter. Her father was tough on her but in his own way did hold a love and affection for her even though that love wasn't apparent till the end. Her mother was full of love and laughter and taught her hope. But one by one Lenora started to lose her family, and she had to start protecting her heart and keeping herself aloof from those emotions so they wouldn't control her. And she thought she had it under control until Edward. She is now queen after her father passes away, but in order to maintain being the ruler of her people, she will need to marry and someone of noble blood. At first she and her best friend Andrew plan on marriage, but when he gets sick her plans get put on hold until his older brother comes home. Edward is a man she has had a crush on for years, she has yearned for the adventure he has lived. But there is an attraction between Edward and Lenora and even though they agree to a marriage of convenience, their relationship will become anything but will be of desire, intimacy, and abiding love that will carry them through the years. Making a life with you will be my greatest adventure, Lenora Royally Yours is such a beautiful romance and I couldn't put this book down. Its definitely a quick and easy read that fills your heart with such light and love. I couldn't ever get enough of Edward and Lenora's story. I have been so intrigued on their love ever since we have seen Lenora in the previous books of the series. But I was so eager to see how she became the strong vibrant woman who became a powerful yet kind ruler she was destined to become. It was quite interesting to see how she handled everything that was set against her. But quite frankly, she became cold at times and this is where Edward comes in. He taught her so much, how to open herself to new possibilities and the ability to have love in your life without fearing it. There was such gratification in seeing her come into her own. Edward was such a delightful hero, I loved his strength, compassion, sense of leadership without taking anything away from Lenora, his ever ending support of her and their family. “You are my joy and my heart . . . you are my home . . . and I would be lost without you.” He holds my face tight in his hands, and his words are low and forceful. “You will never be lost. I will be with you always. The vows were wrong. When death comes, he can have my body . . . but my soul will stay with you, I swear it.” Now the setting of this story is vastly different as its an in between of contemporary and historical. Because its not set in the modern age, but its not the early 1900's either. So its hard to know where to put this one to be honest. I think I would stick it closer to historical though since its not a story that takes place within the last twenty years even. I really liked seeing Emma Chase write something so different and unique from anything we have ever seen from her before. You fascinate me, even when you’re just sitting there breathing. You always have. I want to know you, Edward. Every piece and part that makes you, I want to know. Overall I found Royally Yours to be a invigorating romance that speaks to the heart and soul of a person, that value in healing, facing adversity and growing in love with those around you inspiration of a read!

Photo of Sarah
Sarah @sarahfathim1787
3.5 stars
Mar 26, 2022

not that bad. it had its cute moments, and it was a very short read. nice plot but I wanted thomas to myself. Edward was a hottie and Lenora was a baddie. Alfie is a dilf. Miriam was a bygone 😭 Rating: 3.5/5 Started: 25th March 2022 Finished: 26th March 2022

Photo of Kim
5 stars
Oct 6, 2021

Find this review and more at kimberlyfaye reads. I knew I would love Royally Yours. Me loving a new Emma Chase book is a foregone conclusion. What I didn’t know was just how deep Lenora and Edward would get under my skin and burrow into my heart. I’m not sure I can even put into words how much this book meant to me, let alone do it any justice. But, I’ll try. Can I be 100% honest and admit I didn’t even know who Royally Yours was about because I didn’t read the blurb before going in? I love Emma’s books — and this series — just that much. Once I realized it was a prequel novella featuring Queen Lenora, I was over the freaking moon. I always found her intriguing and it was going to be a real treat to get her backstory. Of course, I had no idea just how much of a treat it would be or how many feels it would deliver along the way. Royally Yours totally would’ve been a one-sitting read if life hadn’t gotten in the way (*shakes fist*) and I couldn’t focus on anything else until I got back to it. Lenora pulled me in from the start with her determination and strength. Let’s be honest, if this book was 500 pages long I’d have happily read it because I enjoyed her character, and story, that much. From her relationship with her parents and sister, to her friendship with Thomas to the eventual romance with Edward, I was 1000% Team Lenora. And, oh Edward. I love a good, grumpy hero, but I still wasn’t sure I would like him. Boy, was I naive. I fell absolutely head over heels for him. His and Lenora’s romance was one for the ages. It was touching and real, swoony and so very sexy. They tugged at my heartstrings over and over and obliterated my feels more than once. Lenora and Edward were EVERYTHING. Stories like theirs are why I love reading romance as much as I do. It’s just that simple. Royally Yours is easily one of my favorite books of 2018. I have a massive book hangover as a result of this book, but I regret nothing. This is one of those books I’m destined to read and re-read for years to come. If you enjoy royal romance, and particularly if you’ve loved Emma’s Royally series as much as I do, this is an absolute must read. What are you waiting for? I received a complimentary copy of this book for review consideration. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. FAVORITE QUOTES “A lady is like a lovely stick of chewing gum. Sweet and unblemished, but if you’re not careful, every lad around will take a taste.” “I have always been proud of you. Don’t not serve… Lenora. Reign. With an iron grip… and a velvet touch. Trust… only… yourself. And reign.” I will not be cowed by small men with oversized opinions of themselves. I will not be cowed by anyone. “And I’ve told you—you should address me as Queen Lenora or Your Majesty.” “But you’re not, are you?” “Not what?” “My Majesty. At least… not yet.” “God, you fucking delight me, Lenora. Nothing on earth will ever delight me as much as you.” “I think my favorite title will soon be that I am Yours.” Life can be an unpredictable, cruel beast—but I know down to the marrow of my bones that whatever comes our way, whatever happiness or heartbreaks are in store for us, we’ll face them together. Hand in hand, heart to heart, side by side, Lenora and Edward.

Photo of aly
5 stars
May 30, 2024
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Nabeelah Hassan @nablaa_22
4 stars
Nov 29, 2023
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5 stars
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4 stars
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5 stars
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4 stars
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4 stars
Aug 26, 2021


Photo of Sarah
Sarah @sarahfathim1787

“Oh, Your Majesty, are you all right?” At the exact same time as Horatio, the butler, comes in from the other side and says, “Welcome home, Master Edward.” And I stare down at her and she stares at me. “Edward?” “Your Majesty?” “You’re Thomas’s brother?” “You’re the Queen?”

Talk about a meet cute

Photo of Sarah
Sarah @sarahfathim1787

“Thomas opens his eyes and turns toward his brother. And in a reedy voice, he tells him, “Don’t be sad, Edward. This time I’ll be the one traveling. I’ll try to write and tell you all about it.


Photo of Sarah
Sarah @sarahfathim1787

“I grab the letter and lie back on the cool grass, scanning it to make sure Thomas didn’t leave anything out. Then, subtly, I bring the paper to my nose and inhale. There’s a hint of pine and freshly cut wood. “Did you just smell my brother’s letter?” Perhaps not so subtle after all.”