Ruins of Chaos

Ruins of Chaos

Aria's in the hands of her enemies, and things are going from bad to worse. Those who she thought were allies have become enemies, and enemies have become allies. On top of that, Knox's history is unraveling, and it might just be Aria's undoing. Will they overcome what was done to the Nine Realms? Or will the truth destroy them both? Aria's plans are all coming apart and with everything on the line, how far will Aria go to protect those she loves from Knox's anger?
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Photo of Sara Maria Antinucci
Sara Maria Antinucci@smantinucci
3 stars
Jun 21, 2022

I’m gonna be honest. I’m really intrigued by this story and interested in what is going to happen. But I am so freaking tired of Aria. I found her very weak and just kind of stupid in this book. She’s supposed to be this badass really strong witch and for some reason she accepts all the really shitty things that happens to her. I’m mostly referring to the way Knox treats her. He is absolutely horrible to her and she will be mad for a couple of hours. But then she notices how hot he is and everything is sort of forgotten, if not really forgiven. I’m pretty sure she cries at least once in every chapter. I’m just sitting here very impatiently waiting for her to stand up for her self and start reaching for her true potential, because right now I am just not sure about continuing reading this series. But for some reason though, I just know I’m gonna finish reading the whole series, because I need to know how it ends.

Photo of Katie Allard
Katie Allard@ktallard
3 stars
Jun 4, 2022

This book was a bit better than the first two solely because of the romance relationship. But again, grammatical errors abound and there seemed to be less plot in this book? The author really keeps the reader on the outside looking in until the last minute, and while there are a few twists here, they don’t have the same impact as they would have if we’d been clued in to any of the info beforehand. Also there is almost no dialogue, every character monologues back and forth at each other. There’s a ton of repetition and we could have probably lost at least 200 pages and this would have been more concise and easier/more fun to read. Oh well on to book 4. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Photo of Aundreya Rich
Aundreya Rich@readinginwatercolor
4 stars
Feb 9, 2022

“Fate gave its light tonight, and all the pretty stars then did align. And yet she shined brighter than any star ever could burn, with an inner fire that burned me hotter than even Ifrit’s fire. She burned me with her darkest pleasurable desires and lit up my night as she became my brightest light,” (clears throat) Welcome to another review by me, where words won't come easy but you'll get the drift. For the record... this series had me SWEATING and fanning myself. Ruins of Chaos in the 3rd book in the Chaos series... and it is CHAOTIC Knox is still fighting to kill off witches in the Helcate line, that took away his wife and child years ago. Vengance is strong, but his tie to the one Helcate witch is getting stronger, and he will do everything he can to keep her by his side, even if he can't give up his war and his broken heart. Aria is fighting to all witches that are good and her family, but her affection for Knox and his people has her protecting both sides at all costs, even at times sacrificing herself and what she wants. With two leaders on opposite ends of the war yet tied by a bond they cannot explain or deny... the emotional and physical destruction they will go through will destroy everything. What I loved about Ruins: -there was a lot more plot and a lot less weird humping.... -I've always liked Aria, and her evolution is great here, showing her potential as a Queen -My boy Brander - Knox, even though he is a caveman of an idiot sometimes, I loved his fight and his moments of gentleness -the war, the battle scenes were put together well in this book -Ember, she makes me snort laugh -the wedding 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 What I struggled with: -sometimes I would read a chapter between Knox and Aria and they would say the same thing over and over again and I would just roll my eyes. I get it, no love just mating... cool... -sometimes the conversations are a bit choppy I'm ending book 3 feeling sad by that ending and also a bit confused if I even know what's going on. Do you love fantasy? Are you not easily embarrassed or just need something really really scandalous to talk about with your friends or spouse? Maybe even find a really messed up monster man in a new series? Then this is for you. If not.... honestly I have nothing else close to recommend. So just enjoy your day and pretend you didn’t read an entire review where I tried to code how dirty this book is.... Rating Story ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Romance- enemies to enemies with benefits Steam- Ruins has been taking a long relaxing bath in holy water Song Never be Me Miley Cyrus

Photo of Maria Sutton
Maria Sutton@shrinkin_violet
4.5 stars
Feb 8, 2022

Once you get past the first book the following books get better and better!!!

Photo of Loulou
3 stars
Dec 16, 2021

Okay, tengo muchos sentimientos encontrados porque la trama del libro es buenísima y Aria es bien badass pero... Odie tanto a Knox, yo sé que mi reina Amelia Hutchins advierte desde el principio que Knox es un idiota pero en este libro me fue imposible no odiarlo. Así que lean este libro bajo su propio riesgo.

Photo of Sydney plitt
Sydney plitt@sydneyreadssometimes
5 stars
Dec 5, 2021

Loved this one. The pacing was great, I loved Aria and Knox’s dynamic, as frustrating as Knox is, I find him very believable. The way he fights with himself over his feelings for Aria and holds onto his promises to his wife makes perfect sense for his character. The spice is great. I will say I got a little confused at the end with the plot, but I’m sure it will get cleared up in the 4th book. The writing improved a lot from the 1st and 2nd book. It flowed a lot better, with less needless monologuing, repeating things, and cringe. I can’t wait for the 4th book to come out!

Photo of Katie Montemayor
Katie Montemayor @truetomyshelf
3 stars
Nov 19, 2021

DNF at 31%. Honestly, it is very rare for me to DNF a book, even if I'm not that into it. Also rare for me to give anything less than 4 stars. I really liked the series at first and was instantly pulled in, but they got so repetitive and nothing would really happen in the story. Even though each book is at least 500 pages. They weren't slow paced at all, which was nice, but the more they went on the more they went in circles. And don't even get me started on Knox and Aria. Could have overlooked their very messed up relationship if SOMETHING would have progressed with them, but nope. It was just the same conversation and back and forth over and over. Got really tired of him just jumping to conclusions and blaming her for everything without either of them ever talking anything through. The main story was hardly in the foreground, never knew what was actually happening with it because it hardly ever got discussed. Anyways, if early on I recommended these to you, I apologize and take it back.

Photo of Sarah
4 stars
Dec 21, 2024
Photo of Toni MacAlister
Toni MacAlister @tea_reads
5 stars
Aug 19, 2022
Photo of Cyds K
Cyds K@ceydss
3.5 stars
Jan 27, 2022
Photo of Michelle Karl
Michelle Karl@mickarl33
3 stars
Jan 1, 2024
Photo of Camille Carso
Camille Carso@camcarso
3 stars
Feb 5, 2023
Photo of Leah smith
Leah smith@feivebae
5 stars
Jan 1, 2023
Photo of DeoDone Gous
DeoDone Gous@ddg_booked
5 stars
Dec 28, 2022
Photo of Lina
4 stars
Nov 3, 2022
Photo of DeoDone Gous
DeoDone Gous@deodone
5 stars
Nov 2, 2022
Photo of Alex Roland
Alex Roland@alexkroland
3 stars
Sep 9, 2022
Photo of Rachael Wiseman
Rachael Wiseman @honzukiraye
5 stars
Aug 27, 2022
Photo of adele meagher
adele meagher@ajemma
5 stars
Aug 25, 2022
Photo of Rotha
5 stars
Aug 23, 2022
Photo of Sarah ZB
Sarah ZB@sarahreadssmuts
4 stars
Aug 22, 2022
Photo of Kayla Bruce
Kayla Bruce@caffeinatedreads
4 stars
Jul 20, 2022
Photo of Julia Jeffers
Julia Jeffers@runthejules
2 stars
Jun 30, 2022
Photo of Kristen Lee
Kristen Lee@nonexistentkristen
5 stars
Jun 28, 2022