Runaways Escape to New York


This cover art is really awful.

I enjoyed this. Great start to the series.

Overall, this was a 4 star reading but individually some of the issues were 5 stars.

I haven't read this in a really long time, and the reread is just as good as I remembered it to be. I really think where Runaways shines is its accessibility. No matter what, there's a character you'll identify with, no matter how your adolescence was/is you'll identify with parts of the story.

** spoiler alert ** Chase had always felt like the comic sidekick, the character that had no business being with the rest of the Runaways. (Some say they feel like that's Molly, but as a mutant in a time of few mutants, she's seen as valuable.) This was such a good, albeit painful, way to show how invested he is in this group of friends. It was so nice to see loose ends tied up and brought together. Edit: After thinking about this for a few days, I was wondering if there would have been a better way to bring the team back together and make Chase take things more seriously than fridging Gert. (I'm sure there must have been? Also, if she's a hero too, is fridging the right term? Gert died helping and fighting, not as a passive background character.) I think because of Alex's death I was prepared for any other character to die as well. Just food for thought.

Pride and Joy is an excellent first volume for a series. It's an interesting concept: what would you do if you realized that your parents were part of a secret villain group? Ultimately, I like mostly everything about this volume. I think the only problems I had with it stem from the immaturity of the characters - which makes sense since the youngest character is only 11 and the oldest is 17. It's totally normal to have characters make weird, impulsive decisions like that in the face of a tough situation. However, it's also a little annoying to read an eleven year old who's that impulsive all the time. Other than that, I can't really fault anything else. The concept is handled well. They do a fantastic job of introducing the characters and their abilities, superpowers or otherwise. And they do a great job of showing these kids coming to terms with the fact that their parents are supervillains and murderers. I haven't seen the show yet. I remember reading this volume years ago and being excited for the show. When I get the chance, I'll be interested in reading more in the series.

literally one of my favorite books to read. Deanoru is the reason why I read it. Karolina’s feelings for Nico is so cute /pos

SPOILERS FOR PREVIOUS VOLUMES I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about this series. The basic story progression is interesting enough as is the struggle the kids are having coming to terms with their new found powers and their parents real identities but there is still something lacking. I do love that it seems to realistically tap into that conflicting moment when teenagers realise their parents are people with a life outside their role as mother/father and that adults aren't automatically to be trusted or relied upon. These real life struggles woven into a superhero/fantasy setting work really well, the hiccups seem to be the sudden additions to the fantasy world that come without warning. Take for instance the main story thread in this volume. A kid who appears to also have dodgy parents turns out not to be what he seems and while it isn't completely out of left field (there are definitely hints) there also isn't anything to make me believe it wasn't a plot chosen purely for the shock factor rather than adding anything to the world. I'll keep getting them from the library though, especially since the Joss Whedon arc is coming up.

well written, beautifully drawn and believable characters

Really a great beginning to what I'm sure is a great series.

Better than the first. I dig it hard.

** spoiler alert ** I loved it. I love this universe. Who is the mole!!!!! I need to know (I know it will destroy me though)

** spoiler alert ** I freaking loved this book. I should have known it was alex. But I loved him and he's dead. I'm dying. I know he betray us but he didn't have to die!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

I loved this graphic novel. I just got into graphic novels and this one was right up my alley. I love all the kids. And this is my favorite graphic novel that I've read. (Its also my third graphic novel I've read)

An eclectic group of teens finds out their parents' philanthropy group is really a cover for super-villainy. Cool story-line, meh art. Why does every character always have their mouth WIDE open?!

Reread. What a fun series. Just as fun and thrilling as my first read through back in 2010. A great series for those into super heroes, but also struggle with all the different storylines they tend to have. This has the original run and then the second run written by Rainbow Rowell.


Reread. 3.5 stars.

What!!! My mind has been blown

I wish this wasn't cancelled. D:

Not the exact edition I read, but I loved it.

I’m having so much fun reading this series. I love the plot, I love the characters and I love the artwork. The only thing I don’t love is the frustrating and extremely problematic use of outdated language. Other than that, I’m thoroughly enjoyed this series but wow, does some of the language suck. TW: • Racism, Ableism, Homophobia

I’m having so much fun with this series, the characters and the story and this was just as enjoyable as the first two instalments but once again, I’m left disappointed by some of the outdated and offensive language. TW: racist slur, homophobia, ableism, racism, child abuse implied