Behemoth's Mission, Sectarianism's Commission

Behemoth's Mission, Sectarianism's Commission A National Epidemic

Behemoth is a large system, spiritually it is a principality. This is where Behemoth operates, in large systems and organizations. 2 Corinthians 4:4 "in whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." By blinding the minds of men to the true gospel of God, Satan has set himself up as a counterfeit of the Creator God. As the prince and the power of the air, he broadcasts his evil, rebellious attitudes to all humanity, except for those that God has called out of his deceptions. Behemoth is a large system in size and power, organized and equipped. Its purpose is that once strategically positioned it can oppress not just a soul at a time, but multitudes- Nations even. The systems it will attempt to control, overcome, and dominate in include; religious, political, cultural and or economic. If we look back at the U.S.S.R, during the times of Communism, that was a Behemoth operating in that Government structure. It birthed a controlling dictatorship that caused many to lose their lives and freedom. Communism is an anti-Christ system that can control Nations, but it is as well a weapon that Behemoth will use to its advantage to fulfill its assignment of dominance and hostile takeover. Communism did fall in Russia, but only after years of prayers and fasting for the dismantling of Behemoth. During which, many lost their lives and faced great destruction and loss. Praise be unto God, the gospel is now being preached in Russia, and Churches are being established. But this Construction could only be possible after the destruction of the former structures; in this case as established by Behemoth. Because Behemoths are Strongholds that must be broken in order to see multitudes and Nations released from deception and darkness that has blinded their eyes to the gospel of Truth. During that era when Communism was a key factor in Russia; Communism- a form of sectarianism controlled the minds of the multitudes. These strongholds in the mind were erected by anti-Christ ideology, basically intrusive lies from the father of all lies. We see this in operation in the world today through Islam. This is a threat to the freedom and culture of Nations all around the world. Islam currently controls entire Nations, enslaving millions of people; not to mention the torture many have and are enduring that is all being supported and validated by their belief system. Islam spews a venom of what is really an anti-Christ message. The horrendous acts of violence and sexual exploitation of women and children is purely demonic in itself. Not to mention the radical beheadings, and burning alive of those that they call enemies of Allah- as infidels they must all die. Behemoth is more than a spirit of anti-Christ and false religion. Because it influences and dominates, as well as controls governments, cultures, economics and Nations. Just in the past week of the time that I am writing this Greece has fallen economically and now China is in trouble. I heard a prophecy that was given years ago that stated that once Greece fell, it would be like dominoes around the world, many Nations would follow. This is Behemoth dominating and controlling our worldwide economic systems. Often times Sectarianism is released in religious circles as a means to allow the stronghold of Behemoth to assemble. Full gospel Churches operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit have in the past been guilty of thinking they have the cornered the market of Christianity- like they are God's favorites. Some even discriminate against Baptist because there are those who are unwilling to open up to the move of the Holy Spirit or his gifting's. The Black Churches and White Churches or any other cultures cannot seem to assemble in unity for the cause of Christ in their Cities.
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