Poison of Love Are We Frying Our Children's Brains?

Poison of Love Are We Frying Our Children's Brains?

Ruth Moss2010
Poison of Love is a passionate, heart-wrenching novel about the life of one family, their turbulent marriage and a horrible tragedy they will soon have to face. When Ellen Brown marries her college sweetheart, she has no idea that her life journey is about to take a different course. After supporting her new husband through Harvard Medical School with the agreement that she would then go to grad school, she is "tricked" by him into getting pregnant, not once, but twice, dashing her hopes for grad school. Their third child comes along, and soon tragedy occurs. After having progressively severe reactions to the mandated childhood inoculations, Anna suffers convulsions and becomes autistic. This riveting novel deals with the serious nature of autism, how it changes a family's life forever, and questions whether the decline of America's educational level could be due to the massive amounts of inoculations given our children. Indulging her gripping motivation to research and write a book to inform the world, Ellen discovers facts that cannot stay hidden from the public. Will Ellen stay with her handsome husband, the doctor, or will his unappreciative and insensitive ways finally have their toll on their marriage? Poison of Love is a true-to-life novel that will both inform and engage the reader, page after page.
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