Ygerna A Pendragon Chronicles Prequel Novel

I received an ARC of this story through Hidden Gems and this is my honest and voluntary review. I love finding new books with different takes on the Arthurian legends. I did find the variations used on the names to be a little confusing because my mind kept trying to make them match the ones I've read countless times in other stories. I did really enjoy the way the author took Ygerna (Lady Igraine) from a vessel that carried Arthur and quietly retired to a nunnery afterwards to a bold and fearless warrior type set on avenging the wrong done to her by Uthyr (King Uther). It was a great change to get to see Ygerna (Lady Igraine) as the star of the show, so to speak, and getting her own story. The was a well done interpretation of the legends, only the author's use of uncommon spellings and variations on the names kept me from feeling fully immersed in this otherwise awesome story!