
Cat Nunez @catxbooks
** spoiler alert ** This story was really addictive. I was dying to read Saint’s story and I loved it. His relationship with Kinley was the best and I loved how sweet and attentive he was with her. He used to party a lot so most people thought he was irresponsible but after knowing Kinley we saw a new side of him and he was really wonderful throughout all the book. Kinley was amazing too, she was fun and caring and she always tried to see the good in Saint despite what people thought of him. I loved their scenes together, how Saint helped her when she was uncomfortable and how they shared most of their free time together. They went through a lot together so it was really nice reading about them and their little family.

Sophie Elizabeth @soph_lizz

Fumi Calafateanu@fumimarina

Cindy McKee@cindy-lou23

Ms. Mint@iread4fun
