Safe Area Goražde

Safe Area Goražde

Joe Sacco2001
Comic strips reveal the lives of those living in the Muslim enclave of Gorazde during the Bosian war, describing how they survived Serbian attacks that left them without access to the outside world, electricity, or running water.
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Photo of Nora
Nora @ngoldie
5 stars
Jun 1, 2023

Amazing and important book, you can really feel the passion that Sacco has for the people he is writing/drawing about. Be prepared to tear up over more than a few pages.

Photo of Hafsa
5 stars
Feb 5, 2023

Before reading this book, all I knew about the Bosnian War was the siege of Sarajevo and the Srebrenica massacre. After reading this book I still have limited knowledge of the war and a hazy understanding of the politics behind the war but what I do realise now is the extent of the suffering people went through and just how cruel people can be. The escalation of the war was an embarrassment for the UN and the international community, yet the Bosnian war is largely forgotten in history. As a result we are repeating the same mistakes in the current Middle Eastern crisis and we will keep repeating them until we don't reflect on our past. When reading reports of war we put ourselves at a certain distance because the personal stories are often lost in the narrative and it doesn't affect us. In Joe Sacco's book there are plenty of stories; some are graphic and violent whilst others are more emotional and upsetting. The presentation of this book as a graphic novel puts a face to the stories and nothing is left to the imagination. The character of Joe Sacco mirrors how we as readers feel, he realises he has the privilege of leaving if the situation gets worse while we as readers can just put down the book whenever we feel overwhelmed, but the people who are living through it can only cling onto their hope for peace. As a result I found this very hard to read but at the same time I was left wishing the book did not end. I think everyone should read this book at some point in their lives, not only because we need to remember the Bosnian War but also to understand the experience of war. Fortunately, Bosnia is now a peaceful country and has recovered from the war to a great extent but there are other people going through the same things the Bosnian people did and we must realise their struggle.

Photo of Ines Camacho Rodrigues Dias Ferreira
Ines Camacho Rodrigues Dias Ferreira@inescrdf
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