These Thorn Kisses

i have been waiting for this book since saffron released AGV. this was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and after a long week of misses, this was exactly what i needed bc it was a huge hit. it's been a few days since I've finished this book but my initial reaction immediately after finishing it was: screaming, crying, throwing up bc of conradwyn and mr marshall's name reveal. like are you kidding?! his name is literally so perfect. the cafeteria scene alone had be screaming! i will absolutely be eating up poe and mr marshall. its about to be a full course meal baby! anyways back to conradwyn. what can i say? they were everything. i was obsessed with how much wyn was obsessed with conrad. she wanted to put him first in every situation and truly cared for his wellbeing and that warmed my heart. conrad has always put his family first. he is hardworking, dedicated, and loyal and had always done what is best for the thorne family. i just wanted to give him a big hug and tell him its ok to be selfish and have his own dreams. as the designated dreamer, wyn is on a mission to make him a priority and make his dreams come true. it made me so happy how dedicated she was on helping conrad find his dreams and emotions. i think this is my most highlighted SAK book to date. the writing was phenomenal. usually with longer book i find it hard to keep reading after a certain point, but with this book i had no struggles. in fact, i enjoyed it even more knowing how much more i had to read. there were so many good passages that just hit my emotions so powerfully. saffron proves time and time again that she is undoubtably the most creative (smut) writer i've ever come across. it's truly incredible how distinctive her writing is and each time i read one of her books, her words hold me captive. this book was just everything i needed. it had amazing dynamic characters, angst galore with sexual tension, spicy scenes, age gap romance, and it was great to see the st. mary's girls together again. saffron knows how to introduce characters that will stay in your mind forever and lord.... stellan thorne you are it. i can already tell his story is going to be angsty and i want it so bad!

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