Sal and Gabi Break the Universe

Sal and Gabi Break the Universe

Best-selling author Rick Riordan presents a brilliant sci-fi romp with Cuban influence that poses this question: What would you do if you had the power to reach through time and space and retrieve anything you want, including your mother, who is no longer living (in this universe, anyway)? How did a raw chicken get inside Yasmany's locker? When Sal Vidon meets Gabi Real for the first time, it isn't under the best of circumstances. Sal is in the principal's office for the third time in three days, and it's still the first week of school. Gabi, student council president and editor of the school paper, is there to support her friend Yasmany, who just picked a fight with Sal. She is determined to prove that somehow, Sal planted a raw chicken in Yasmany's locker, even though nobody saw him do it and the bloody poultry has since mysteriously disappeared. Sal prides himself on being an excellent magician, but for this sleight of hand, he relied on a talent no one would guess . . . except maybe Gabi, whose sharp eyes never miss a trick. When Gabi learns that he's capable of conjuring things much bigger than a chicken--including his dead mother--and she takes it all in stride, Sal knows that she is someone he can work with. There's only one slight problem: their manipulation of time and space could put the entire universe at risk. A sassy entropy sweeper, a documentary about wedgies, a principal who wears a Venetian bauta mask, and heaping platefuls of Cuban food are just some of the delights that await in his mind-blowing novel gift-wrapped in love and laughter.
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Photo of Arden Kowalski
Arden Kowalski@jonimitchell
3 stars
Jan 13, 2022

Rounded down from a real rating of 3.5 stars. Full review to come later!

Photo of laura
4 stars
Nov 20, 2021

* I got this book for review from my honest thoughts from the publisher* I really loved this read. I found this book to be a prefect science fiction themed novel with some cuban influences and it was such a fast pace read. I thought this book handled some many modern day topics in such a fun way. I really loved how this book handled complicated science fiction topics like the multi verse in such a easy to understand way. i thought the ending of the book had a some structure and info dump issues but I still really enjoyed the read and will def be checking out the sequel in 2020!

Photo of Samantha Seeman
Samantha Seeman@modernsamwitch
4 stars
Nov 17, 2021

If I could pick one word to describe this book it would be rich. I felt so absolutely immersed in this world, with these characters, and didn’t have a second thought about it until the story was over. I wouldn’t say the characters were my favorite characters I have ever read about, but they were enough to get me through the story. The characters weren’t even my favorite parts of the book! I really loved the culture and the language that the author just envelopes you into. The scenes are just so immersive that some of the plot was lost on me, I was having too much fun just living in this world. That all being said, I feel as though this book is the best one to come out under the Rick Riordan Presents imprint thus far. It is way different than the “Percy Jackson outline” which was super prevalent in both Aru Shah and Storm Runner, while also feeling much more immersive and personal than Dragon Pearl. Basically, I really enjoyed it! It was a great addition to this growing collection and I look forward to reading more from this author. For more of my thoughts, you can view my blog review here: https://modernwitchsbookshelf.wordpre...

Photo of Renee Delcourt
Renee Delcourt@booksteaandchocolate
3 stars
Nov 16, 2021

This book was so much fun! It literally is a book that has no logic so throw it all out the window, but this is such a uplifting and silly science fiction middle grade. It has great poc, mixed family, and illness representation. This is definitely a book I would get for my boys to share with them and I think they would adore it. Gabi and Sal's friendship is so unique and I love the found family without it being shoved down your throat. The only reason that this book gets a 3 instead of 4 stars is because I don't understand why the book was titled break the universe. I kept waiting for it and waiting for it and was like welp I don't think they are breaking the universe. I think that the science fiction is very low-key so if kids are needing more of an introduction to science fiction this is perfect! I think I would label this more a contemporary than anything else though. It deals with grief of losing a parent and how Sal really handles that grief.

Photo of Paige Green
Paige Green@popthebutterfly
5 stars
Nov 5, 2021

Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher and netgalley. Thanks! All opinions are my own! Book: Sal and Gabi Break the Universe Author: Carlos Hernandez Book Series: Sal and Gabi Book 1 Rating: 5/5 Diversity: Cuban American rep and #ownvoices! Publication Date: March 5, 2019 Genre: MG Fantasy Recommended Age: 10+ (magic, parent death) Publisher: Rick Riordan Presents Pages: 382 Amazon Link Synopsis: How did a raw chicken get inside Yasmany's locker? When Sal Vidon meets Gabi Real for the first time, it isn't under the best of circumstances. Sal is in the principal's office for the third time in three days, and it's still the first week of school. Gabi, student council president and editor of the school paper, is there to support her friend Yasmany, who just picked a fight with Sal. She is determined to prove that somehow, Sal planted a raw chicken in Yasmany's locker, even though nobody saw him do it and the bloody poultry has since mysteriously disappeared. Sal prides himself on being an excellent magician, but for this sleight of hand, he relied on a talent no one would guess . . . except maybe Gabi, whose sharp eyes never miss a trick. When Gabi learns that he's capable of conjuring things much bigger than a chicken--including his dead mother--and she takes it all in stride, Sal knows that she is someone he can work with. There's only one slight problem: their manipulation of time and space could put the entire universe at risk. A sassy entropy sweeper, a documentary about wedgies, a principal who wears a Venetian bauta mask, and heaping platefuls of Cuban food are just some of the delights that await in this mind-blowing novel gift-wrapped in love and laughter. Review: This was an insanely cute and fun book! The characters were engaging, the world building was fantastic, and the fantasty elements were rooted in science! I absolutely loved the story and the writing just flowed so well! If I had to state an issue I had with the book, it was that it took me a bit to get into it, but once I was into it, I was hooked! Verdict: A great book for kids and adults alike!

Photo of Paige Green
Paige Green@popthebutterfly
4 stars
Nov 5, 2021

Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher and netgalley. Thanks! All opinions are my own. Book: Sal and Gabi Fix the Universe Author: Carlos Hernandez Book Series: Sal and Gabi Book 2 Rating: 4/5 Diversity: Cuban american main character and #ownvoices, gender neutral terms! Publication Date: May 5, 2020 Genre: MG Fantasy Recommended Age: 10+ (multiverse, wibbly wobbly, timey wimey) Publisher: Rick Riordan Presents Pages: 432 Amazon Link Synopsis: Sal and Gabi have to try to make everything right with our world when there is a rogue Gabi from another universe running loose. Sal Vidon creates wormholes. But Sal's father, a calamity physicist, is trying to shut down all the wormholes Sal creates, because Papi thinks they are eroding the very fabric of our world. All of Papi's efforts are in vain, however, because a Gabi from another universe has gone rogue and is popping up all over the place, seeking revenge for the fact that her world has been destroyed. While Sal and Gabi work together to keep both Papi and Rogue Gabi under control, they also have to solve the mystery of Yasmany, who has gone missing from school. Could it have something to do with the wormhole in the back of his locker? Review: Overall, I thought the book was good. The characters were funny and engaging, also well developed. The pacing was suited for the book and the story really flowed well. I really liked the fantasy elements yet again. However, there were some issues I had with the book. The teacher in this book wants to be referred by Srx which is a gender-neutral term, but referred to the kids in the class in her/him pronouns without really asking. One of Gabi’s 7 dads is also a bit of a mystery. She doesn’t use gender neutral terms but she still wants to be referred to as a dad. I’m all for being whatever you want to be called. Dad, mom, doesn’t matter it’s a parent title, but I would appreciate some more clarification on this. The story is also a bit harder to comprehend. There’s a lot of multiverse stuff that goes on and it gets a little complicated. Verdict: It’s a good book!

Photo of Liv Gliese Johnsen
Liv Gliese Johnsen@livgliese
2 stars
Aug 10, 2021

There were moments when this book made me laugh, but there were many moments when this book almost made me fall asleep. And that made me a bit disappointed. I was really looking forward to this book, and I normally love books that are a bit quirky and with tons of fantasi and humour involved. This book just did nothing for me. And I think that largely has something to do with the fact that it took almost the entire book before the story actually startet.

Photo of Sophie
Sophie @sophiewonders
4.5 stars
Jul 31, 2024
Photo of Alex Hill
Alex Hill @mybookishworld
3.5 stars
Jul 3, 2022
Photo of Sunky
5 stars
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Photo of Kaitlyn Davis
Kaitlyn Davis @kaitlynelyse1
5 stars
Jan 27, 2024
Photo of Melissa Railey
Melissa Railey@melrailey
4 stars
Jan 18, 2024
Photo of Abbe Castillo
Abbe Castillo@abbec
5 stars
Oct 25, 2023
Photo of Abbe Castillo
Abbe Castillo@abbec
5 stars
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Photo of Nessa Luna
Nessa Luna@octobertune
3 stars
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renee badenoch@restingbookface
4 stars
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Photo of Laura
4 stars
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Photo of Kerstin Cherry
Kerstin Cherry@kcherry
4 stars
Sep 14, 2022
Photo of Swathi Seshadri
Swathi Seshadri@bookishcoder
5 stars
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Photo of Meghan Todd
Meghan Todd@megt0dd
3 stars
Feb 2, 2022
Photo of Alice
5 stars
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Photo of Rose Mary Marquess
Rose Mary Marquess@rose27
4 stars
Oct 25, 2021
Photo of Rose Mary Marquess
Rose Mary Marquess@rose27
4 stars
Oct 25, 2021
Photo of Libby Kowitz
Libby Kowitz@libbylouise
4 stars
Aug 28, 2021