
Nessa Luna@octobertune
I'm sad that it's over, I really wanted to read much more from Kamala Khan (I mean she appears in other comics as well but I loved the Ms. Marvel runs). This one was my least favourite out of the three though (and I had it as a 5-star prediction as well *sad face*) because of the little C.R.A.D.L.E. plotline that just didn't really fit in. I do want to read the comic that inspired it, though (I believe that's Champions: Outlawed, or something like that) so I might do that soon!

Emma Daniels@pudgethefish


Nessa Luna@octobertune

Nessa Luna@octobertune

Jéssica Canais@jarrli


Maggie Gordon@maggieg

stephanie archer @marieliterature

Ana Cob@anacob

Emily Walker@ewalk

Emily Walker@ewalk

Emily Walker@ewalk


jordan Ariel johnson@deafreader18