Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking

good book This my smart r R R Review. Book is good. More works are required for book which is good book

A full-on bible for cooking. Teaches the why rather than the how, then follows all the theory with fantastic recipes.

While I’m a very experienced cook, I’m not one of those people who’s into cookbooks. However, I am into learning and improving on everything I know, and Samin will definitely make you a better cook. The first half of the book is a crash course into why good food tastes good. It’s approachable, enjoyable, and as a designer I was familiar with Wendy MacNaughton’s fantastic illustrations, so that was a big plus. Samin’s reasoning for using illustrations, vs the ubiquitous mouth-watering food photos, is so you don’t get a preconceived idea of what “perfect” looks like. I think that really captures the spirit of why she wrote this book. There are illustrated pull out charts with regional ingredient groupings and such. If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to cook without memorizing a recipe, this (cook)book is definitely where you should start. The second half consists of actual recipes, which I’m sure will be great once I get around to trying them. Several of the techniques are already in my repertoire so I can vouch — everyone should learn how to dry brine and spatchcock poultry, stat.

A mechanistic cookbook.

Lovely book. There are so many recipe books, but this is the first one that teaches you how to cook - in a very entertaining way, too! It was an impulse purchase that turned out so very well. This book is definitely a keeper.

this book is INCREDIBLE! i learned so much, not just in the context of how to cook, but also what encompasses cooking, what different ingredients do, how so many different aspects of food all interact. also, Samin's writing style is so warm and genuine, you can tell that she's so incredibly passionate about this! HIGHLY RECOMMEND!

An essential books for those wanting to get more serious in the kitchen.

If you like to cook, this book will probably change your life.

An absolute must-read for all adult humans. This taught me so much about the basic concepts behind cooking and is a game-changer.