Mr. God, Will You Please Tell Me...

Mr. God, Will You Please Tell Me... Kendia’s First Interview

Kendia falls asleep with many questions in mind. Who is God? Does He know me? Does He see me? Does He hear me? What is Heaven? What is love? Whom should I love? Who is in Heaven? What does Heaven look, feel and sound like? What happens to people who don’t go to Heaven? Why is kindness so important to God? She is determined to learn these and many other answers and decides that no matter what it takes she will ask these and many others questions directly to God Himself. But how was she going to do that? How was she going to gain an actual interview with God? Well, that part she hadn’t quite worked out yet. She’d think about that night before falling asleep and come up with a plan the next day. Only that night, something strange, something unique, something powerful happened to Kendia, which provided her with many of the truths she was seeking.
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