Harnessing Green IT

Harnessing Green IT Principles and Practices

“Ultimately, this is a remarkable book, a practicaltestimonial, and a comprehensive bibliography rolled into one. Itis a single, bright sword cut across the various murky green ITtopics. And if my mistakes and lessons learned through the green ITjourney are any indication, this book will be used every day byfolks interested in greening IT.” — Simon Y. Liu, Ph.D. & Ed.D.,Editor-in-Chief, IT Professional Magazine, IEEEComputer Society, Director, U.S. National AgriculturalLibrary This book presents a holistic perspective on Green IT bydiscussing its various facets and showing how to strategicallyembrace it Harnessing Green IT: Principles andPractices examines various ways of making computing andinformation systems greener – environmentally sustainable -,as well as several means of using Information Technology (IT) as atool and an enabler to improve the environmental sustainability.The book focuses on both greening of IT and greening by IT –complimentary approaches to attaining environmental sustainability. In a single volume, it comprehensively covers severalkey aspects of Green IT - green technologies, design, standards,maturity models, strategies and adoption -, and presents a clearapproach to greening IT encompassing green use, green disposal,green design, and green manufacturing. It also illustrates how tostrategically apply green IT in practice in several areas. Key Features: Presents a comprehensive coverage of key topics of importanceand practical relevance - green technologies, design,standards, maturity models, strategies and adoption Highlights several useful approaches to embracing green IT inseveral areas Features chapters written by accomplished experts from industryand academia who have first-hand knowledge and expertise inspecific areas of green IT Presents a set of review and discussion questions for eachchapter that will help the readers to examine and explore the greenIT domain further Includes a companion website providing resources forfurther information and presentation slides This book will be an invaluable resource for IT Professionals,academics, students, researchers, project leaders/managers, ITbusiness executives, CIOs, CTOs and anyone interested in Green ITand harnessing it to enhance our environment.
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